Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,55

she could see the resemblance to Noah in the way his father’s eyes crinkled at the edges.

“Are these ready for the table?” Noah interrupted, whisking dishes through to the dining room.

Jeff looked amused. “Anyone would think he’s trying to get through dinner as fast as possible,” he said.

Gayle made a tsking sound. “I can’t imagine why. We’re just going to get to know Evie, isn’t that right?”

Evie opened her mouth to reply—then wrinkled her nose. “Is something burning?” she ventured, just as the oven let out an alarming bleating noise.

“The tagine!” Gayle sprung to life, yanking open the oven door. Smoke billowed out, and Noah quickly grabbed a dishtowel and started fanning while his father threw the windows wide open.

Clearly, they’d had practice at this kind of thing.

“Is it ruined?” Jeff asked, looking hopeful.

“What a shame,” Noah agreed quickly. “I’ll order delivery!”

“Not so fast.” Gayle lifted the lid of the clay pot, revealing a singed-looking mess. “You caught it just in time,” she said, sounding proud. “It’s always better a little well-done, don’t you think, boys?”

There was silence. Noah and Jeff exchanged a look, and Jeff cleared his throat.

“Let’s eat!”

They settled in at the table, passing around salad and side plates, and Evie realized that Noah’s joke about hiding the leftovers hadn’t been a joke before.

The lamb dish was the worst thing she’d ever tasted.

Evie took a gulp of water, trying desperately to wash it down. Across the table, Jeff was choking quietly as Noah made a big show of pushing food around his plate … without actually eating any of it.

“So, Evie—” Gayle began, fixing her with another eagle-eyed look, but before she could start the inquisition again, Noah jumped in.

“Did I tell you about the fundraiser I’m planning for the firehouse?” he asked, then talked non-stop about carwash options and local sponsors, fast enough that his mom couldn’t even get a word in.

Evie stifled a smile as he explained in great, great detail how he’d landed on the grill he was borrowing for the cookout. “Cooper offered to loan his for the event, but Declan’s the professional chef, so I figured I should trust his advice …”

Noah went on so long, Evie was impressed. She’d never imagined there was this much to say about grilling. At this rate, they’d make it through dinner before he even got started on which woods he was using in the smoker. But just when she was thinking they might be home free, Gayle interrupted him.

“That’s nice, dear, but you’re monopolizing the conversation,” Gayle chided. “Poor Evie has barely said a thing.”

“That’s fine,” Evie managed. “I’m just, um, enjoying the food.”

Gayle beamed. “Would you like another serving?”

“Oh, no, thanks.” Evie heard Noah trying not to laugh. “I want to savor this one!”

“So tell us more about yourself, Evie,” Gayle continued. “Are you from the area?”

“No. I moved to Boston for college,” she explained. “And then stayed for work after.”

“Like Noah in Tennessee,” Gayle said. “You know, there were plenty of colleges nearby he could have attended, but he had to go out of state.”

“I wonder why,” Noah remarked, but he was smiling affectionately when he said it.

“Of course, there’s no place like Sweetbriar Cove to raise a family,” Gayle said happily. “I hoped when he got engaged that they might think about moving back here, but, well …” Her smile faltered.

Evie felt Noah tense beside her, and even Jeff glanced away.

Something had happened, she realized.

Something had happened—and nobody wanted to talk about it.

“I never spent much time on the Cape,” she put in quickly. “But when I saw the ad for the inn. I couldn’t resist.” She told the story of how she’d come to buy the Beachcomber, and soon everyone seemed to have relaxed again.

“And now here you are, putting down roots. Planning for the future. How lovely.” Gayle shot a look at Noah. “What about kids?” she continued.


Evie blinked at the whiplash change of subject, but Gayle was looking at her expectantly.

Oh God, she was serious.

“Mom,” Noah interrupted, trying to change the subject. “Did I see you working on a new painting?”

But Gayle clearly had a one-track mind, and that track was getting her only son married off and in the family way ASAP. “It’s just a friendly question!” she said. “You’re what, thirty now? At your age, you won’t want to wait around before getting started, trying for a baby. It’s a wonder you’re not settled already. Have you checked your fertility levels?”

Evie wished the ground would open and swallow Copyright 2016 - 2024