Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,39

Evie exhaled in relief. “I know it’s not exactly dinner and a movie …”

“Are you kidding? This sounds like a blast,” he insisted. “I always wanted to play secret agent.”

“I don’t know how much danger we’ll be in,” she said, teasing. “Not many opportunities to plot for world domination on Cape Cod. But be prepared for scones.”

“Always.” Noah patted his stomach. His tanned, taut stomach. “When it comes to baked goods, you can count on me.”

They were just deciding on the details when Jules reappeared, looking delighted. “Do you know what you want yet?” she asked, giving Evie a meaningful smile.

“Yes,” she replied, deciding. “I think I’ll get this one.”

“I wasn’t talking about the mattress,” Jules murmured, and Evie elbowed her.

“So, I’ll see you Monday?” she said to Noah, who was reluctantly climbing down off the bed.

“I’ll be there.” He said goodbye and sauntered off, leaving Jules looking smug.

“Monday, huh? I knew it!” she crowed.

“Easy, tiger,” Evie calmed her. “He’s just helping me out with a job for the inn.”

“Oh yeah?” Jules waggled her eyebrows. “A private, sexy job, I’m sure.”

Evie laughed, giving her a playful shove. “You’re impossible.”

“You owe me an ice cream for throwing him in your direction,” Jules announced. “Double chocolate, extra chunks. And if you and Mr. Montgomery aren’t giving one of these mattresses a workout by the end of summer, I’ll eat my favorite beret!”

Evie just smiled, heading up to the register to place her eye-poppingly expensive mattress order with the eager salesman. But as she waited her turn, she felt a fizz of excitement, thinking about her plans with Noah. Even if she was just dipping her toes into the water, she couldn’t deny just how tempting that water was. She had fun with him. She felt alive. And after the past couple of years of heartbreak and tragedy, a little fun was the least she deserved.

And, yes, the last time she’d played pretend with him she’d wound up lip-locked in a passionate kiss … but did that bode badly for their date on Monday?

Or did it bode very, very well?


Noah wasn’t sure what to expect from his big undercover mission with Evie, but he’d learned from his firefighting job to always be prepared. So he pulled up outside the inn on Monday afternoon with two coffees, a box of pastries, and a whole bag of tricks for the road. He was ready for anything.

But as he waited out front, there was one big question burning in his mind:

Was this trip just a friendly outing, a way for him to return the favor by pretending to be a couple again?

Or was there a chance for something more?

Evie emerged from the inn, took one look at him, and laughed. “What are you wearing?” she asked, getting into his truck.

Noah closed the door behind her and circled around to the driver’s side. “It’s one of my cover stories,” he said, climbing in behind the wheel. “What do you think?” he asked, gesturing to the khaki pants and preppy polo shirt. “Does this outfit scream ‘heir to a paperclip fortune’ or what?”

“Paperclips, huh?” Evie grinned. “I didn’t realize there was money in that.”

“Tons.” Noah smiled back at her. “We can say my grandpa made his fortune in office supplies and left the whole lot to me.”

“So, does that make me your gold-digging fiancée?” Evie asked. “Maybe I should have worn a different outfit. Except … what does a gold digger wear?”

“You look perfect,” Noah replied—and she did. Evie was dressed in a frothy floral sundress that skimmed her collarbone and danced around her knees. With her hair in loose waves and a smile on her face, she was enough to make his heart stop.

Dangerously beautiful.

“Ready to go?” he asked, trying to keep his mind on their task, and not Evie Baxter-Jones’s spectacular legs. “The weather forecast says it’s turning stormy later. Where’s our first spot?”

Evie consulted her notebook. “The Webster House Inn,” she said, giving him the directions. “It’s old, fancy, and has amazing reviews.”

“Let’s go check out the competition then,” Noah said, turning onto the highway.

It was a cloudy day, with a cool breeze blowing and the first hint of summer rain in the air. Evie pulled on a jacket and turned the radio up, sipping on her coffee as the lush scenery of the Cape flew by. Noah usually guarded his stereo like a hawk, but he didn’t even mind when she turned to a pop station and started humming along.

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