Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,35

to those property renovation shows? If you start posting now, people will be able to follow along with the transformation—see how the magic happens.”

Evie made a face, still not quite convinced. “People really want to see Eggsy installing new wiring?”

“Fine, I’ll show them how the magic happens,” Jules said with a laugh. “Send me some photos, I’ll write up the posts, and I guarantee, you’ll be booked solid before you even open.”


They gossiped over dinner and drinks a while longer, then headed back to the inn, which was blissfully free of construction chaos by the time they got back. Jules must have sensed that Evie wanted a break from thinking about Glen or Noah—or any of her romantic entanglements—because she didn’t say a word until they were kicking off their shoes, wriggling out of their bras, and making cocoa on the kitchen hot plate.

“So, are we finally going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Jules asked, giving Evie a knowing smirk. “The hunky, firefighter-shaped elephant? Lover of small children and animals?”

Evie groaned.

“Come on,” Jules said, already unwrapping their leftovers. “I need to live vicariously through your romantic adventures.”

“You have a boyfriend!” Evie protested.

“I’m not sure for how much longer,” Jules said with a grimace. “But don’t think you can change the subject now, I’ve been waiting patiently all evening, When are you going to go on this big date with Noah?”

Evie stirred the cocoa and avoided her friend’s expectant look. “I’m not sure I should.”

“What do you mean?” Jules asked. “He’s hot, single, and you already know he’s an excellent kisser.”

“That’s the problem.” Evie sighed. “The way I feel about him, it’s just so … new.”

Jules gave her a sympathetic smile. “I know it’s been a while since you really liked anyone. It was always going to be scary. But it’s like getting back on a horse. Or a bike. Or a—”

“I’m going to stop that riding metaphor before it goes to a very filthy place,” Evie cut her off with a grin.

“Fine.” Jules laughed. “But you know what I mean. It might feel strange at first, but you’ll get back into the swing of things in no time.”

But Evie wasn’t so sure. She didn’t just mean that it had been a while, that she needed to get the hang of dating again. That if she could practice her flirty quips and light banter, her fears would melt away and everything would be fine.

The truth was, she’d never felt this kind of desire before.

Not for anyone.

Not even Glen.

Just the thought felt like a betrayal. He’d been her husband; she’d pledged to love him forever. She’d adored him—she’d wanted him.

But had she ever wanted him like this? A sheet-twisting, knee-weakening, driven-to-distraction kind of want? A want that left her breathless, lost in daydreams about their kiss—and everything that could come after? Evie had to admit, there was no comparison. Because when Noah smiled at her—when he touched her—she caught a glimpse of a world she hadn’t known existed. And if all this time, there had been something more …

What did that say about her marriage?

What did that say about her?

Even thinking these things tied her stomach up in knots; she couldn’t bring herself to speak them out loud. So she poured the cocoa instead and led Jules up to her guest suite. They set up a fort of blankets and pillows on her camping mattress, and Jules shook her head, taking in the makeshift scene.

“We need to get you a real bed,” she said.

“We need at least ten of them,” Evie replied. “All the guest suites, plus some trundle beds for the kids …”

“Yes, but yours should be king-sized,” Jules declared with a wink. “Plenty of room for two.”

And then, because Jules was Jules—and could never leave well enough alone—she turned to Evie head-on. “So what are you going to do?” Jules asked. “He asked you on a date. The ball’s in your court now.”

Evie cleared her throat. The idea of going on a real date with Noah, having that charming smile all to herself, losing herself in his blue eyes …

Kissing him goodnight …

It was intoxicating and terrifying, all at the same time.

“Remember the summer in college when we went camping?” Evie asked, snuggling back into their fort of blankets and pillows.

“You mean when I fooled around with Jason Ajai in the bushes and got poison oak somewhere poison oak should never be?”

Evie smiled. “Yes, before we had to drive back with an ice pack between your legs. Copyright 2016 - 2024