Forever Summer - Melody Grace Page 0,25

made a fool of herself.

Evie unlocked the stall and stepped back out into the restroom—where she found Marisa touching up her lipstick.

“Aren’t you a lucky girl?” Marisa cooed, meeting Evie’s eyes in the mirror. “Noah’s a catch.”

“Thanks.” Evie gave a vague smile as she ran cold water over her hands. She could have done with dunking her whole head under the water to cool down, but that might have given the game away.

“How did you lock him down?” Marisa’s gaze turned speculative. “Come on, you can tell me the truth. He’s been the biggest playboy on the Cape for months. Told us all he didn’t want a serious relationship, but here he is, all over you. In front of everyone, too.”

Evie shrugged. “No big secret. It’s like he said, we just hit it off.”

“Huh.” Marisa pouted for a moment, then brushed it away. “Well, good for you, I guess. He’s definitely a man you don’t forget,” she added with a wink. “If you know what I mean.”


Evie swallowed hard. Apparently, Noah came with a five-star recommendation.

Marisa was already waltzing back out into the pub, so Evie smoothed back her hair and followed. The other woman paused to chat with some friends, and Evie rejoined Noah at the bar, determined to show a little self-control this time. “She seems nice,” she said brightly—and then immediately gulped down half a glass of water.

Thirsty, much?

“She is nice,” Noah said, looking suspicious. “What were you two talking about in there?”

“Just a little girl talk,” Evie replied airily. “She was spilling all your dirty secrets.”

Noah looked so panicked for a moment that she had to laugh.

“Your face!” Evie spluttered. “God, what have you been up to?”

“Nothing!” he protested. “Just, you know … the usual.”

“Somehow, I think your idea of usual is very different from mine,” Evie said dryly.

Noah stole a French fry from her plate. “Yeah? Why’s that?”

“Because I don’t need to leave the country, there are so many guys beating down my door.”

“There should be,” Noah said, grinning. “You’ve been the perfect fake girlfriend.”

Evie gave a wry laugh. “I guess you’re not the only one getting rave reviews.”

“I did?” Noah’s grin turned smug. “Well, would you look at that?”

He reached for another fry, and Evie lightly smacked his hand away. “Don’t let it go to your head,” she said, smiling. “Aren’t you supposed to be looking after your woman? Hunting and gathering and providing for me—all that jazz?”

“You’re right.” Noah immediately pushed the plate closer to her. “What else can I get for you: Ketchup? Mayo?”

She wrinkled her lip. “You put mayo on your fries?”

“You don’t?” He scooped up a healthy dollop of mayo and mustard on a fry, then held it out for Evie to taste. As she leaned in and took a bite, their eyes locked.

It was hardly chocolate souffle by candlelight, but her heart was beating faster all the same.

“Well?” he asked.

She chewed, thoughtful. “It’s not entirely disgusting,” Evie decided.

Noah laughed, and munched on another himself. “You clearly have no taste.”

“True,” Evie agreed. “I’m dating you, aren’t I? For the next two minutes, at least. Tick tock,” she added, teasing, even though the last thing she wanted was to bring this strange and delightful moment to an end. She would have happily faked being Noah’s girlfriend for a whole lot longer if it meant she got to stay there, leaning in close to him, trading flirty quips with his blue eyes fixed, warm on hers.

She hadn’t had so much fun in years.

But apparently, Noah did this all the time. She looked at him curiously. “So, what are your moves?” she asked.

“My moves?”

“Clearly, you have some, by the way you’ve managed to get every woman in town wrapped around your little finger,” Evie said, amused. “If this were a real date, how would you be wooing me?”

Noah chuckled. “For starters, I wouldn’t call it ‘wooing.’”

He offered her another fry, and she took it. “Don’t think you’re changing the subject, mister,” she said, taking a bite. “I want to know all your tricks.”

Noah shrugged. “No tricks.”

“So, what, you just show up, flash them that charming smile, and whoops, they fall into bed with you?” Evie asked. But even as she said it, she had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn’t take a whole lot more.

After all, she was the one shifting closer to him, without even meaning to. Noah rested his arm around her shoulder, as easy as anything, and she thrilled in the warmth of his embrace.

“You think my smile is charming?” Noah Copyright 2016 - 2024