Forever Safe (Beacons of Hope #4) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,5

Arch more than anyone else, except my wife of course. If Arch recommended you in spite of knowing my concerns about having young bodyguards, then I suspect he had a very good reason.”

“I understand the delicate nature of such a position.” Tom sat back down in the leather chair. Guarding a woman meant he’d be in close proximity to her most of the time. He’d also be alone with her frequently. It was unavoidable, since he would be her constant shadow. But that was the point. He was a shadow, in the background, and hardly noticed. “I do my best to be unobtrusive while maintaining safety.”

“I’m sure you can understand my concerns,” Mr. Cole replied. “By hiring a bodyguard, I don’t want to substitute one dangerous situation for another.”

“I understand completely, sir.” Even though Tom had a personal policy not to fraternize with the people he worked for, that didn’t mean the women around him hadn’t wanted more from him. He’d had to spurn advances on occasion. In fact, he’d had liaisons handed to him on a silver platter. Not from any of the women he’d guarded, but from their friends or younger relatives. He could have had his pick of sweethearts wherever he’d served. But he’d never given in to the temptation. And he didn’t plan to start now. “I guarantee the utmost professionalism at all times.”

Light footsteps in the room above alerted him to the presence of at least two females. The direction of their steps told him the ladies were moving across the room, exiting, and now walking down the hallway toward the stairs. Likely Victoria and one of her friends. The footsteps were spry—almost playful.

Mr. Cole pursed his lips and stared at Tom for an endless moment. Tom looked right back. Unflinching. He had nothing to hide. He was as good as his word. Mr. Cole didn’t have to worry about him.

“I’m willing to try the arrangement for a month,” Mr. Cole finally said. “Hopefully by that point, Arch will be fully recovered and ready to return.”

“He’s tough. I’m sure he will be.” At least that’s what Tom was counting on.

“Very well, Mr. Cushman.” Mr. Cole stood and held out his hand. “You’re hired. And rest assured, I’ll pay you a fair wage.”

Tom rose and shook Mr. Cole’s hand. Even though a month seemed too long, he’d do anything for Arch. “Thank you, sir. When would you like me to start?”

“Is today too soon?” Mr. Cole asked. “With the upcoming wedding, she has so many appointments, things to do, and places to go. And quite frankly, with the perpetrator still on the loose, I’m petrified to let her out of the house.”

The two pairs of footsteps coming down the hallway were identical to those Tom had heard overhead moments ago. Victoria and her friend were approaching the office. He suspected she was coming to ask her father for money and the use of the carriage.

A soft knock was followed by the door opening a crack. “Father?” came the voice of a young woman.

Through the two-inch space, Tom noted a pretty face with high cheekbones, an elegant nose, pert lips, and luminous honey-colored eyes. He’d assumed she’d captured the attention of her various suitors because she was the heiress of a massive fortune. But she had more going for her than just her wealth. Maybe she was the “darling catch” of society that the newspapers had claimed she was. The only trouble was, she seemed to have trouble staying caught.

Her gaze snagged on him and her eyes widened. “I’m sorry, Father. I didn’t know you were with someone. I’ll come back.”

“No, Victoria,” Mr. Cole said quickly. “As a matter of fact, I was just going to ring a servant to retrieve you.”

The door opened further, revealing that Victoria was attired in the latest fashion, a striped purple, form-fitting dress that showcased the figure so many women aspired to. Her tiny waist was likely enhanced by a tight-fitting corset as was true of most wealthy women he’d known. But it was also clear she didn’t need the enhancement. She was naturally curved and slender in all the right places.

Her blonde hair was piled stylishly on her crown, but long ringlets hung down the back of her head. From the silk gloves in one hand and elaborately decorated bonnet in the other, he knew he’d called the situation right. She wanted to go out.

“Come in, Victoria,” Mr. Cole said, his features softening as he gazed at his daughter.

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