Forever (Lost Souls MC #1) - Blue Saffire Page 0,76

lips. Your hair is so perfect for your face.

“Girl, your body has been amazing since we were like fourteen. The difference between you and Mags is she knows that she’s a beautiful woman on the outside, but she’s ugly inside.”

I shake my head. “I don’t see any of that,” I mutter.

“Oh. MY. God. Guys are always after you. How do you not see this?” she huffs.

“Maybe they’re after sex, but that doesn’t mean I’m pretty,” I say and turn to look her in the eyes.

Misty’s mouth falls open. “What would make you say that?”

“I’ve grown up my whole life watching men fuck anything on legs. Sure, the bunnies here aren’t the worst. The Lost Souls have better taste than most, but I’ve been around MCs where it didn’t much matter. A warm body was a warm body.

“Everyone thinks I’m clueless to things outside of my bubble, but I built my bubble for a reason. Before Mom met Cage, I was teased all the time. Then we came here. I’ve heard the bunnies whisper about how fat and ugly I am,” I confess.

“Fuck them,” she growls. “Eva, those bitches are just jealous. They always have been. Your mom was so gorgeous, and Cage loved her so much. He treated you all like gold.

“When we lost them, those whores all thought they had a shot at being something around here. That shit ain’t never happened and King has treated you just like his daddy did.

“It’s time for you to stop hiding under those clothes and lurking in the shadows like you don’t belong.” Misty pauses and smiles. I promise I see the light bulb go off in her head. I groan and palm my forehead. “I know exactly how to get Brick to come clean.”

“What?” I wrinkle my brows at her.

“I know you. You think he’s hiding things because he doesn’t want you. I know how I’m going to prove you wrong and force Brick to come clean at the same time. I’m going to regret this shit, but I’m not letting you fuck this up. I saw his mug when he talked about you,” she says with a big grin on her face.

“Misty, I’m not feeling up to any of your brilliant ideas today,” I groan.

“Suck it up, sister. You’re doing just what I say. The universe is working in our favor. Brick rolls back in tonight. I can’t wait to see that bitch eat crow when that sexy beast stakes his claim on your ass,” she chimes.

I roll my eyes. I open my mouth to respond, but Misty turns almost green. “Hold that thought.” She rushes to say, taking off into my bathroom.

I run behind her, but she shuts and locks the bathroom door. I’m a little grateful she does once I hear her start to retch. My own stomach flips, causing me to back away.

I go to sit on the bed and think about Misty’s words. I did feel beautiful while I stayed with Owen. I felt confident and sure of myself. Coming here has done more than make me feel disconnected from him. It’s brought up old feelings.

Misty has always been my anchor here. Otherwise, I don’t think I would have stayed around as long as I have. Misty has always said we have every right to be here. If it weren’t for King, I don’t know if I would believe that.

The guys have always treated me with respect, but sometimes I’ve wondered if that is only out of fear. I don’t know, there are a small few who I wouldn’t intentionally find myself alone with, especially after Mom and Cage died. They’re the same ones I’ve noticed King keeps at arm’s length.

However, if I’m honest, since being with Owen I’ve felt like I finally belong. Being unsure about him has made me unsure about everything, because he has become my new anchor. I sigh at my confusing thoughts and wait for Misty to finish in my bathroom.

She needs to get out here so I can first find out what the hell is going on with her, and second, find out what she has planned. It takes about ten minutes before the door unlocks and cracks open. I watch my best friend as she fidgets in the doorway.

I should have seen all this sooner. Misty’s face is fuller. She’s in a baggy Lost Souls T-shirt, that doesn’t look like it was ever hers. She even has on a pair of sweats. These are all red flags. Misty wouldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024