Forever (Lost Souls MC #1) - Blue Saffire Page 0,74

I’d marked the sides of her breasts, inner thighs and ass with my mouth.

It was the only way I could mark and claim her the way I wanted to. It finally hit me hard. I love Eva.

Yeah, I said it. I love her. Finally, it’s no longer a thought. Saying it has made it as real as it gets. I don’t know how that shit snuck up on me, but I’ve fallen like a ton of bricks. She’s what I want, what I need, what I crave.

I turn onto my back and lie down, pulling her body over mine. I miss falling asleep with her in my arms. First thing in the morning, I plan to fix this.

I’m shoving shit on the pile, but it is what it is. We’ll all just have to deal. I know I should get my ass up and go to my own room. I’ve been playing with fire as it is.

However, my lids are too heavy, and my body starts to bleed into the mattress. Eva’s warmth around me only pulls my exhausted body further under. Before I know it, I’m fast asleep with my woman in my arms.

Chapter 27

Something is Up


I woke to my phone buzzing on the nightstand, where I placed it last night before climbing between Eva’s thighs. I’m annoyed to be awakened from some of the best sleep I’ve had in days. For a split-second the feel of Eva’s heavy breasts on my bare chest has me considering ignoring the text chirping for my attention.

Once I crack my eyes open and reach for the phone, I wish I had. With a grunt, I smoothly pull from under Eva’s body. I find my clothes and tug them back on. As I button up my dress shirt, I bend and kiss Eva’s forehead, and because I simply can’t resist, I place a quick kiss on her lips.

I grumble under my breath, not wanting to wake her. Spotting her phone next to mine, I grab it and place it on the pillow beside her. When she wakes it’s sure to be the first thing she sees, and she’ll see my messages waiting.

Quietly, I slip out of her room and go to send her a text to let her know I have to handle some club business. I barely get to hit send when I stiffen as I hear, “Well, well, well, why am I not surprised to find you here?”

My lip curls back over my teeth as I look into Mags’ eyes. Of all people to catch me coming out of Eva’s room, it would be her. I want to wipe that devious smile right off her face.

“Let’s get some shit straight,” I seethe. “I told you to keep her and anything about her out of your fucking mouth.”

“I told you I want to know why she’s so important,” she snaps back.

“You’ve never been this fucking dumb. Why are you testing me? Better yet, why the fuck are you here? Let’s get to the bottom of that,” I demand lethally.

“Oh, come off it. I can walk wherever I want. I just happened to be passing at the right moment,” she says smugly.

I wipe that smug smile right off her lips as I crowd her space and get in her face. She recovers quickly and tries to give me a flirtatious look. However, my words crack into that look as well.

“I’m not talking about in this hallway, Mags,” I grind out. “I’m talking about here, in my brothers’ club. What’s your endgame? What has Miguel really been searching for you for?”

Her mouth falls open and fear flashes in her eyes. She has no smart comeback this time. The truth hangs in her depths. She’s been hiding something from the time she entered my life and it’s time to unwrap that shit.

“Oh yeah, time to fess up. The reaper has come for you to pay. What the fuck did you bring to my door?”

“I don’t know what Jemma told you—”

“Jemma didn’t tell me shit.” See, I knew these two have been hiding shit together.

My head is ready to explode. I get ready to light into her. I’ve had enough of this shit. I’m ready to hit the roof when King turns the corner to find Mags and I glaring at each other.

Being the conniving bitch she is, Mags slides her ass up under my arm and plays the situation. She knows this will cause me to have some explaining to do.

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