Forever (Lost Souls MC #1) - Blue Saffire Page 0,57

at his outfit, I grin. Holden is a tall lanky sort of guy. Not lanky in an awkward way. He carries himself well enough.

His burgundy slacks are a slim fit and his loafers give him a polished look. He actually looks like he could be on a magazine cover. Edgy, but not rough like King and Brick can pass off.

“Look, you modernized James Dean. Just because we all can’t pull off the loafers and caviar look doesn’t mean we’ve all failed at life,” I toss out.

“Oh,” he bursts into laughter. “Loafers and caviar? James Dean? Good one.”

“Thank you.”

“You know, I like you this way,” he says.

I look up at him, drawing my brows in. “What do you mean?”

“You smile more here and… I don’t know. You seem happy. Back home, you were always… off to yourself. Sort of guarded, I guess. I can’t blame you. Things are always intense back there. I can’t imagine it’s easy being the prez's sister,” he replies.

I shrug. “I think I blocked it all out years ago. The bunnies have never been too nice to me and the brothers kept their distance for the most part. My books were better company, with the exception of Misty and Reap.”

“Reap, now that’s one I keep my distance from.”

“Really? Why?”

He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “You’re kidding?”

“No, why?”

“Can I ask you something? How much do you know about the club?”

I take a moment to think that through. “Honestly?”

“Yeah, honestly,” he replies.

“My dad was the prez and then my brother took over. We’re one of about ten chapters, I think. I get the whole business thing with some of the brothers. Oh, and Uncle Mix is the VP.

“There’s a subdivision in our chapter. That’s the Squad, they can be a bit scary. At least, the ones I know of, but after what you told me back at the office, I’m questioning that knowledge a bit,” I say truthfully.

“Yeah, you should. Maybe you should ask Brick to fill you in a bit more. I’m feeling a little out of place now that I know how little you know.”

I look up and catch the nervous look in his eyes. I make a note to ask Brick a few questions. I chew on my lip, if he considers it club business he may not answer.

That could be a problem. I’m starting to want to know more. Although, I’m still processing this Squad captain thing.

“Hey, do you remember that orgy you walked in on at the clubhouse?” Holden says.

My mouth pops open and I palm my face. With a groan, I shake my head. “You were there?”

“Nearly blew my cover laughing so hard at you,” he says. “You should have seen your face.”

“Well, I walked in by mistake. What were you doing in there?”

He snorts. “Technically, I was there first. I was trying to get high in peace. Not my fault they picked my hiding spot.”

I laugh as I remember that night. I’d been reading and walked into the room not paying much attention. Otherwise, I would have noticed the room was occupied.

“Wait, do you remember that time that one brother got so drunk he couldn’t find the bathroom so he pissed right in the middle of the clubhouse?” Holden asks next.

“Oh, yeah, I do. I was in the corner reading and looked up right as he whipped it out.”

“See, you’re always around. Just not paying attention.”

“Fine, I get your point,” I say and bump my arm into his.

“Do you remember Molly dancing on the pool table until her wig fell off?”

I squint my eyes as if that will help me remember better. This one doesn’t come back to me. I try to think harder, but still nothing.

“No, I don’t recall that one,” I say.

“Come on, you were sitting right there. You have to remember,” he says.

“What? Really?”

“Well, damn. That’s pretty amazing. No wonder you didn’t react. You weren’t paying attention.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go on.”

“What brought you here to Georgia? How did you end up Brick’s assistant?”

I peer up at him in time to catch him rolling his eyes. “I needed a break from my brother. He means well. I know he’s just looking out for me, but it gets to be a bit much. I talked to King and here I am,” he says.

“I can totally relate to that. King can be intense sometimes. He definitely means well. I guess college gave me a reprieve,” I muse aloud.

“But he doesn’t know about this thing with Brick,” he says Copyright 2016 - 2024