Forever (Lost Souls MC #1) - Blue Saffire Page 0,55

to get going while the getting is good. Owen sounds beyond pissed. I bet Troy wishes he stayed his silly ass out of Owen’s office today.


I shake my head at Eva’s swaying ass as I adjust my cock. I have something for her later. I want to get my hands on her one good time before we have to go to South Carolina and pretend we’re nothing to each other until I talk to King.

I know Troy has had his ass in my office every time I step out of the building. He’s supposed to be working in HR and finance. How the fuck his ass always knows my comings and goings already has me gritting my teeth.

I sent Eva out because it’s time I make something clear to this kiss ass. Troy is the best at half of his job. It’s the reason I’ve kept him around. As long as I keep him up here on the executive floor, I usually don’t have a problem out of him.

“You know she’s young. She could sue the company for sexual harassment,” Troy has the balls to say to me after he watches Eva leave my office.

I should have closed and locked that fucking door. Troy is the least of my worries, but someone that could make this weekend hell could have walked in. I need this relationship to come from my lips to King’s ears.

When I looked up to see Troy, I was honestly happy he did walk in on us. He’s been sniffing around Eva all week. His ass doesn’t know I have eyes everywhere. Especially when it comes to Eva.

None of them would find it strange that I want to keep an eye on King’s little sister. The club princess is always priority. So, it’s been easy to keep the brothers in the office on the lookout.

I slowly turn my head in Troy’s direction and narrow my eyes, cocking my head to the side. “You want to repeat that shit?”

I’m already on edge because I have to be in church tonight and that means taking Eva back to South Carolina with me. I don’t know why that’s not sitting right with me. I had planned to before. Then King and I both agreed for me not to leave her behind.

I know King hasn’t told me something. I only get called to church for one of two things. Either King needs me to get in some bigwig’s ear or shit is about to get real.

I mean, usually my presence is optional depending on the nature of business. When King needs my squad, it becomes mandatory. It’s another reason he called me to go rescue Eva.

I stay out of shit unless needed. My mind has been turning over the fact that King requested me in church for almost a full week now. When I saw him Monday, his mind was preoccupied with something totally different. I can’t say it’s not club related, but his shit wouldn’t require my whispers or the Squad.

“I’m only saying, she’s a summer intern. We don’t need the complications. We’re doing so well in the industry these days,” Troy says, straightening his tie.

I think Troy is about to find out who the fuck I am. The real Brick Mason. I bare my teeth and close the space between us.

You see, the Lost Souls have your ordinary enforcers like any other MC. Grim and Wolf are our official club enforcers for the South Carolina, Georgia chapter. You might as well throw Reap into that equation. She’s not an official club member, more like the property of Grim, but you tell her that and see what happens.

Cage always treated Reap like one of the guys. She’s never seen herself as anything but. Reap is smaller than Eva, but you would think she was my height.

However, she’s half the height of every brother in the squad, but just as insane. It’s the reason she’s the only female Squad member. I tried to stop that shit, but she wasn’t having it.

Where you find Grim, Reap is sure to follow. They’re both crazy as fuck, but I will always want them in my corner and on my squad. I was proud the day I watched Reap get her reaper on her right thigh, wings, sword, and all. She grumbled the whole-time Property of Grim was etched into a ribbon wrapping the sword and knuckles of her winged reaper.

“Let me get this straight,” I say low. “You’ve been eye fucking my woman since Copyright 2016 - 2024