Forever (Lost Souls MC #1) - Blue Saffire Page 0,42

I don’t get a chance to answer as King pulls my door open to let me out of the truck. He wraps me in his embrace and gives me a bear hug. When he places me on my feet to look me over, he purses his lips and shakes his head at my outfit.

“You didn’t have anything else to wear?” he grumbles. “This is a construction site.”


He holds his hand up before pulling it down his face. “Ignore me. You need anything?”

Owen rounds the truck at that very moment and hands me a hard hat. I take it and smile, catching myself before I say thank you, Owen. It’s right on the tip of my tongue. I quickly turn and reply to King for a distraction from Owen’s intense eyes.

“No, I’m fine.”

King nods, still frowning at my outfit. I have on a pair of well-fitting blue jeans, with a black Soul Deep Construction Polo and the tan construction boots Owen bought me. I’ll admit as simple as the outfit is, it’s not something I would normally wear because it places my body on display.

However, when Owen looked at me this morning and licked his lips, I took a look of my own in the mirror. I mean, a real look. What I saw for myself was an attractive, curvy woman who shouldn’t try so hard to hide herself or from herself.

Although observing King’s reaction makes me believe all he sees is the trouble I’ll get into dressed like this. He sucks in a deep breath and shakes his head before waving for Owen to follow him.

“Let’s talk,” he says.

“Give me a sec.” Brick nods but takes a moment to wave over one of the guys working.

When the worker comes over, Owen leans into whisper something to him. They both turn their attention to me. “Eva this is Anthony, the foreman here. You’ll stick with him until I get back.”

“Okay,” I say quietly.

I can totally read Owen doesn’t like this introduction one bit. He’s not doing well at hiding it either. I glance at King, but he seems distracted.

“Good to meet you, Eva,” Anthony says with a lingering look at my breasts before he reaches out a hand to shake mine.

I reach out my hand but clumsily drop the hard hat on the ground as I look to Owen out of the corner of my eye. I bend to reach for the hat and when I straighten, I find Anthony smirking at my ass.

I shoot my gaze to Owen. His ears are so red, I know he’s ready to blow. The only thing holding him back is King standing right next to him. King is looking at his phone and misses the entire exchange.

Quickly, I shake my head at Brick. Reminding myself again not to call him by his real name. I keep my hands busy with the hat instead of trying to shake Anthony’s hand. Something tells me that’s not such a great idea.

“Mr. Mason spoke highly of your crew. Nice to meet you too,” I say.

“We are the best,” the foreman replies with pride.

“Anthony,” Brick bites out. He gives Anthony a dirty glare as a warning.

“Got it, boss.”

I can tell Brick wants to say something more, but he doesn’t.

Anthony gives a smile and waves for me to follow him. I start after him but look back to see King watching me for a moment with that same frown on his face before his phone grabs his attention again. I rub my hands on my jeans self-consciously.

Yeah, I might be dressed for trouble if King looks so disturbed. If I go by Anthony’s appreciative looks and Owen’s death glares directed at Anthony, I’m pretty sure King is right. It doesn’t take long for me to find out for a fact.

* * *


King and Owen disappeared to talk club business hours ago. I knew King had something on his mind, because he totally missed the entire thing that passed between Brick and Anthony. Usually, he would’ve been the one to threaten to cut the guy’s balls off, if he didn’t keep his eyes to himself.

A part of me wishes Brick had said more earlier. I would love to have my baggy clothes back right about now. At the moment, I’m sitting through an awkward lunch with a bunch of guys drooling over me. Anthony is on my right, sitting way too close. I’ve been asked out on a date twice by two different guys.

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