Forever (Lost Souls MC #1) - Blue Saffire Page 0,103

lunch date with me,” he says and gives me that annoyingly unattractive smile.

“Wait, let me get this straight. You do know that I’m involved with Owen?”

“Yes, but I’m sure completing your internship and graduating are of some consequence to you. This fling you have going with him can’t be worth losing all of that,” he replies.

I place my ringless hand on my nonexistent bump and lift the other to reveal my engagement ring that this smug dumbass hasn’t taken the time to look at. It’s much too big for him to have missed if he weren’t such a pompous dickhead. His eyes nearly pop out of his head.

“Does this look like a fling?” I question.

Behind Troy, Reap hands Brick a crowbar. Before I can think to move out of the way, Brick swings the thing right at Troy’s knees. I yelp in surprise.

“Party’s over, ladies,” Reap sings as she grabs me and Misty by the arm. I glance at the door to see Gutter pushing Sal into Daddy’s arms and out the door.

“You’ve disrespected me repeatedly,” Brick snarls. “I let your ass slide and you come here with this shit? All you had to do was your fucking job. Drop the docs off and leave with your life.”

“Oh God,” I gasp as I look over my shoulder to find Brick choking the shit out of Troy.

“Honey, that’s your man. The Squad captain, a Lost Soul for real. And in about thirty minutes it will be as if that shit never happened,” Reap says before she laughs her ass off.


More to Come


I look around at all the brothers and their old ladies as I sit at the raised reception table in the clubhouse’s main hall. Do they all have stories like ours? There are so many smiling faces around the room.

I’ve never felt the love as much as I do now. I went to college to get away from all of this, thinking I would reinvent myself. The funny thing is, I never tried and I’m glad I didn’t.

Instead, I found my way back home. I beam as I come to that realization. The Lost Souls are my home.

“Hey, Mason,” Misty says as she comes to sit beside me and laugh at herself.

“What’s up, Kennedy?”

Her cheeks glow. It’s not just the baby. King wasn’t playing about her being his for life. Their wedding was in true Lost Souls fashion, right here at the compound.

Owen and I chose a church wedding, but the reception had to be here. King insisted and Owen looked as if he would have been disappointed if I wanted to do anything else. Honestly, this was the only thing that felt right.

“God, that sounds so crazy,” she says.

“I know, right?”

Becoming the prez’s old lady looks good on Misty. I’m happy for her and King. My brother will have a son soon and I plan to spoil my nephew.

“We just became sisters and now you’re changing your name.” She pouts and reaches to play with the wedding rings on my swollen finger. “I wish I could still wear my rings on my hand.”

“Ha. Mine are on there just barely,” I say with a laugh. “Besides, we’ll still be sisters. I’m changing my last name, not my family.”

She reaches for her wedding rings on the chain around her neck and smiles. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I never thought this would be where we’d all end up. Married and having children with the prez and VP.”

I place my hand on my undeniable bump and smile. “Would you rather have it any other way?”

“No, not at all.”

“Come on, let’s get a dance in before they move the party outside and our feet are too swollen for us to move,” I say.

She smiles and nods. I laugh as she pushes up from her seat and waddles ahead of me. I’m big, but not that big yet.

King and Owen appear as soon as we get on the dance floor, as if we’ll hurt ourselves out here or something. These two are going to be a mess when these babies get here.

Owen pulls me into a tight hug and rocks me from side to side and kisses the top of my head. I wrap my arms around him as much as my protruding belly will allow. A song starts and the swaying becomes a part of the music.

At five months it’s becoming a challenge to get as close to Owen as I’d like. The fact that there are two little ones in there might Copyright 2016 - 2024