A Forever Kind of Love - Ellie Wade Page 0,98

up against the entryway, watching us. I slowly exit Ava’s bed and make my way to Lily, pulling her into me. She wraps her arms around my back, and we stay in this embrace for a few beats, silently reveling in each other’s warmth.

I quietly close Ava’s door. “The boys go down easily?”

“Yeah, they were out like lights in minutes. I loved your Princess Ava story.”

I grin. “Thanks. You should have joined us.”

“That’s okay. I love watching just as much. That little girl has you wrapped around her finger.”

“Yes, she does.” I chuckle. “Do you have enough energy for a glass of wine and a porch swing?”

“Oh, yes. That sounds perfect.”

We grab our glasses of wine and walk onto the back deck where the porch swing sits. We set the glasses on the small tables on the sides. Lily and I sit in the center of the swing, our thighs up against each other, our inner hands connected, fingers entwined.

“It was a good day,” I comment.

“It was a great day.”

“So, tell me what you girls were talking about today.”

Lily laughs. “Keeley’s latest drama. Remember I told you she had a date with that guy from the Peace Corps?”

I close my eyes and listen to Lily ramble on about Keeley’s dating issues, Amy’s attempts to have sex only on certain days of the month so that she will conceive a girl, and her mom’s run-in with our hometown’s potluck police. The crotchety old woman was convinced that Miranda had signed up to bring pasta salad for the Memorial Day parade picnic but instead brought potato salad. Chick drama is so entertaining.

“What did you and the guys talk about?” Lily asks after a while.

“You know…how the Tigers season is looking. Guy talk isn’t nearly as entertaining as girl gossip.”

“That can’t be all that you talked about.”

“You’re right. We did spend a large chunk of time commenting on what an amazing wife and mother you are.”

“Stop!” She jovially hits my leg. “Be serious.” She chuckles.

“I am.”

I angle my face, so I am facing Lily. Her features are lit up from the glow of the light coming from the kitchen window.

“You’re the best. Have I told you today that I love you?” I ask.

She smiles wide. “Yes, many times, and I love you.”

“Love you more, Little Love.” I tilt my chin forward and lean in to kiss her. Pulling away from her soft lips, I stare into her eyes. “So, would you rather keep our past journey the way it is, bumps and all, or would you choose to do things differently and go make different choices?”

“You already know my answer.”

“I know, but humor me anyway. I will never tire of hearing it.”

“I wouldn’t change a thing.” She leans up and places a chaste kiss on my lips.

“Why?” I ask with a smile.

“Because every step we’ve ever taken our entire lives led us here, and here is perfect. I am so happy, Jax. Every choice we made took us on different experiences. Those experiences made us the people we are today. And those two people couldn’t be more in love or more fulfilled, right?”

“Right.” I stare down at the love of my life, and I couldn’t imagine anything in this world that could make me happier than I already am.

“Every dream I’ve ever had for my life has come true, Jax. My first wish was that every day would start and end with you.”

“It does,” I reply.

“I know.” Her voice shakes with emotion. “And I’m the luckiest person in the world because of it.”

I kiss her on the forehead. “No, Little Love, I am.”

“Let’s agree on a tie.”

“Deal.” I chuckle.

We swing in silence, listening to the recurrent sounds of the crickets and the small ripples of the water from the lake below.

In all honesty, I didn’t know to wish for all of this. I’ve always known that I wanted Lily, but the rest of the joys that we have together, I didn’t know to hope for, but they came true anyway. And Lily’s right. Every step we’ve taken has led us to this place in time surrounded by all this love and happiness.

In my heart, I feel that I was always meant to have this life with Lily. Perhaps the guilt I carried over making the wrong choices was unwarranted. Regardless of the decisions I made, I ended up here anyway, and I think I always would have.

Some call it destiny. Some call it fate.

I call it forever…and Lily is mine.

It is surreal to

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