A Forever Kind of Love - Ellie Wade Page 0,96

sensations. She showed me how to care for someone more than I care for myself. She let me experience what it means to truly make love. She also taught me how to sing under water, how to appreciate the serenity of an old oak tree, how to make mud pies, how to ride my bike with no hands, how to play Marco Polo, how to lose a game with grace, how to laugh at myself, how to ask completely inappropriate questions, how to make the most kick-ass sand castles, and how to win at the game of Life.

The other one taught me how to appreciate it all.

“Tell me a story about the stars on my nose, Daddy,” Ava, my four-year-old daughter, asks cheerfully from her four-poster princess bed.

“Okay, but just a short one, baby girl. It’s late, and Mommy and Daddy are tired.”

We had a summer barbeque at our house today, and all the Porters and Madisons were here until late into the evening. It’s way past Ava’s normal bedtime, but the rules go out the window when family is here, which is quite often. I wouldn’t have it any other way though. Lily and I are blessed with many things, and an amazing family is one of them. I love that our kids have such close bonds with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It’s awesome.

When Lily and I were growing up, we didn’t have that. Our families just had each other. And while I guess that’s still true to an extent, our families are much larger now. Along the way, Lily and I have brought people into our lives, and our kids are blessed to be loved by them all. They are adored by all their aunts—Amy, Keeley, Jess, Kristyn, and Charlie. They are spoiled by all their uncles—Landon, Ben, Josh, and Jerome. And they are blessed to have Papa and Mimi Grant in addition to our parents.

Some days, I still can’t believe that I ended up here, plopped into this amazing life. But as Lily is always quick to point out, we haven’t reached an end point. Life in itself is a journey. Well, I’m on one fantastic journey then.

We still live in the first home we bought together, and honestly, we’ll probably be here forever. Just as we thought when we first saw it, this house is perfect for us.

I’m still working for Grant Global Industries, right alongside Stella’s dad. I love my job. Lily spends her days with Ava and our two-year-old twin boys, Maxon and Mason. She has a successful independent photography company as well, but she hasn’t taken as many jobs since the twins were born. She loves being a mom. She was always meant to be one.

“Daddy!” A high-pitched voice pulls me away from my thoughts.

I peer down to Ava, who is way too bright-eyed for this time of night. She has her pink comforter pulled up to her chin. Her electric-blue eyes shine up to me in anticipation.

I shake my head, chuckling. “Okay, baby girl.” I lean toward her.

Placing one arm on the other side of her body, I rest on my elbow, so my face is only a foot away from hers. I take my other hand, and using my index finger, I trace light patterns on her nose. Ava is a mini Lily with her fair skin, blue eyes, and kind heart. Her long locks are light brown, almost a perfect mix between her parents’ hair colors. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“Oh, look. I’ve found one!” I exclaim.

Ava’s eyes go wide. “What is it?” she asks with childlike wonder in her voice.

“Hmm…well, if I start at this little freckle and go to this one, then I end up at this one right here.” I drag the tip of my finger along the soft skin of Ava’s nose. “I end up with a puppy paw constellation.”

“A puppy paw?”

“Yes. This is a good one. The paw represents the story of Princess Ava.”

“There is a princess with my name?” she cries in astonishment.

“Of course there is. Now, listen while I tell you her story,” I say gently.

Ava nods enthusiastically, pressing her lips together, barely containing her excitement.

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Ava.”

Ava’s chest vibrates in a giggle, but she keeps her mouth firmly closed.

“Ava was the kindest princess to ever live. She lived in the castle with her parents, the King and Queen, where she had everything she could possibly want. But Princess Ava

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