A Forever Kind of Love - Ellie Wade Page 0,90

happy, Lil. Plus, you are amazing at what you do. Your client list is going to explode in no time.”

“Can you believe that we’re going to finally start our lives together?”

“I know. It’s pretty surreal.”

“So, your flight is all set?” Lily asks.

“Yep, not leaving until tomorrow morning now. I emailed work to let them know I wouldn’t be in tomorrow.”

“Are you going to get in trouble with work?”

“No. It’ll be fine.” I grin. “You gonna tell me why I had to change my flight?”

“Nope. I told you, it is a surprise.”

“Let’s see…Sunday night in New York. Are we going to a Broadway show?”

“No. Although, come to think of it, you can’t go back until you’ve gone to a show. There is so much we have to do here before you leave.”

“I’ll come back next weekend.” I grin.

“You will?” Lily jumps with excitement.

“Yes, and every weekend until you move back.”

“Really?” she asks in astonishment.

“Of course. Five days without you will be hard enough. I can’t go longer than that.”

“Oh, yay! That’s awesome. Now, I feel better.”

“So much so that you’re going to tell me my surprise?”

“No way.” She laughs.

“Okay, let me guess. Are you going to try to kill me with some rancid hole-in-the-wall food place again?”

She playfully hits me on the chest. “Stop! Don’t knock Bo’s. You loved it.”

“You’re right. It was pretty awesome.”

Lily hammers out a few text messages on her phone, careful to hide the screen from me. “All right, we’re all set. The car should be waiting downstairs. You ready?”

I take her hand in mine, and we make our way downstairs, through the lobby, and to the waiting car. She doesn’t give me any clues as the car takes off through the busy streets. The driver makes his way to the Lincoln Tunnel.

“So, the surprise is in Jersey?”

“Maybe,” Lily answers coyly.

“Well, obviously, unless he’s taking a long detour.” I chuckle. Once out of the tunnel, I see a sign for the MetLife Stadium, and I know. “We’re going to a Giants game?” I question excitedly.

“Yes!” Lily claps her hands together in front of her. “Jerome got us tickets, and he’s going to meet us after the game.”

“This is kick-ass, Lil. Thank you.” I lean over to her side of the backseat and pull her face toward mine, giving her a loud kiss.

I haven’t seen Jerome since Stella’s funeral.

“And guess who they’re playing?”

I’m ashamed to say that I don’t know. I haven’t been keeping up with football too much lately. “Who?”

“The Lions.”

“Really?” I laugh. “Well, damn, Lily…now, I feel torn.”

“I know.” She smiles wide. “Just think of it as, regardless who wins, we win.”

“Sounds good.” I chuckle, pulling her hand to my lips and kissing the inside of her wrist. “Thanks for setting this up, Little. I love you.”

Jerome set us up with some awesome seats a few rows back on the sixty-yard line. I feel a small pang of envy as I watch the guys out on the field. When I’m honest with myself, I miss the game a lot. I don’t miss the pressure or the stress…but, man, I miss the game.

I glance to my side and study Lily intently watching the field, and I know I made the right decision. I wouldn’t trade this life for anything. I know myself well enough to know that I couldn’t have done both. I’m such a perfectionist that if I’d committed to a team, they would have received all my energy. I would have turned back into the stress monster I’d become, and I would have lived my life one step shy of a panic attack.

This life, void of stress yet full of love, is so much better. I’ve made many poor decisions along the way, but at least I got this decision right.

Lily must feel my stare as she turns toward me and gives me a knowing smile.

“Are you happy?” she asks.

“The happiest.”

“Holy shit, man. You were awesome.”

Jerome pulls me in for a hug. “It’s so great to see you, man.” After a few loud slaps against my back, he releases me from our man hug and pulls Lily up into his arms. “Lily, baby!”

She squeals, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Where’s Charlie?”

“She’s at home. I just wanted to bring Jax.”

“Well, tell her I miss seeing her cute face.”

Lily chuckles, and I watch in fascination, witnessing a life that I had no part in. It’s an odd feeling.

“You know Charlie?” I question.

Lily realizes my confusion. “Oh, yeah. We’ve hung out a bunch of times with Jerome and

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