A Forever Kind of Love - Ellie Wade Page 0,40

and everything in between.

“Thank you, Jax,” Mr. Grant says to me as he watches Stella, his eyes brimming with tears.

“For what?”

His stare remains focused on the women, his grin mirroring my own. He clears his throat. “For making our little girl so happy. She’s so fortunate to have you.”

“I’m the lucky one.” It’s true.

He sighs. “Yes, anyone would be lucky to have Stella. She’s always been such a beautiful soul. But I know you’re doing this because it will give her joy, and I want to thank you for giving her one of her dreams.”

“I asked her to marry me because I love her.”

He turns to look at me. “I know you do, son. I know.”

Stella and her mom come down from their giddy engagement high to participate in conversation with her father and me.

“So, when are we thinking?” her mom asks.

“The fall. I’ve always wanted to get married then. I just adore the autumn colors. Maybe the beginning of October?” Stella looks to me in question.

“October’s perfect,” I agree.

Her smile goes wide.

“That’s four months away,” Stella’s mom says.

The four of us go eerily quiet.

I know the implication of her mom’s words. Where will Stella be in four months? Will she be alive? Will she be healthy enough to get married?

The silence speaks volumes as we all think these thoughts, all of us afraid to voice them out loud.

Her mom recovers quickly. “That’s plenty of time to plan a wedding. Don’t you think? We can get everything done in that time,” she says cheerfully, looking at Stella.

Stella nods. “Of course we can, Mom. With you and I working together, we can hammer out all the details quickly.”

Stella’s mom takes her hand. “It’s going to be great, honey.”

“It’s going to be better than great, Mom. It’s going to be amazing.”

We leave Stella’s parents’ house after a couple of hours of wedding talk. She wants to go out to celebrate. I’ve texted the guys to tell them that we are going out and that I have some great news to tell them, and she has contacted some of her friends, too. Everyone is meeting us at the bar.

Stella holds my right hand while my left rests on the steering wheel.

“We should drive to your house tomorrow to tell your parents,” she says excitedly.

“Let’s hold off on telling them for now.”

“Why?” She sounds hurt.

“I have to tell Lily first, Stell. If we tell my parents, then my mom will immediately run and tell Lily’s mom. I want Lily to find out from me. I feel I owe her that, you know?”

She lets out a small sigh. “I understand that. I do. When are you going to tell her?”

“I’m not sure. I haven’t spoken to her in six months. I would feel weird just calling her out of the blue and dropping the news on her. I think I have to see her in person. I need to go back home soon.” The realization that I have no idea what is going on in Lily’s life is sobering, and it causes a profound pang to form deep in my chest. I ignore it, shaking it off the best I can.

“Besides,” I continue, “we have plans tomorrow.” I smirk.

“We do?” she asks in excitement.

“Yes, we do.”

“What?” she screeches like a cheerful child. “Tell me!”

“Well, I made a few appointments for us. I’ve been looking into homes based on the qualifications that you’ve always told me in the past. Our realtor, Angela, found some great houses that she wants to show us tomorrow.”

“We’re going to buy a house!”

I laugh. “Your dream house is part of your happily ever after, right? We’re getting married, and my future wife deserves her dream home.”

“Oh, Jax.” Stella sniffles.

“What can I say? I’m in the business of making all your dreams come true, Stella Grant. I told you that I’m going to make you as happy as I possibly can.”

“I’m already the happiest girl alive, Jax. You’re my dream.”

“Well, you already have me, so it’s time to dream bigger, my love.”

“Nope, not possible. You are the best. You’re unbeatable.”

“We’ll see if you’re singing the same tune tomorrow. Just wait until you see some of these homes.”

“Ah!” she squeals. “I can’t wait!”

I park my car at the bar. “Let’s go tell our friends all the great news.”


The hour-and-a-half ride to my parents’ house goes quickly with Stella chattering away the entire time about wedding plans.

Who knew there was so much to decide on when it came to weddings?

I try to give Stella

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