A Forever Kind of Love - Ellie Wade Page 0,3

few moments to soak her in before she notices me. She’s leaning against our oak tree, her legs out in front of her. She sits atop a blanket, her focus on her Kindle.

The past two years have been stressful with school and football, but also because as my responsibilities have grown, I’ve seen Lily less and less. The longer I’m away from her, the direr my situation seems, but as soon as I’m in her presence again, everything seems right in the world. A calming sensation comes over me.

It has always been that way. Even when I didn’t have the words to describe my feelings for Lily, she’s been my comfort. If two people have ever been destined for each other, it is Lily and me. I love Lily more than anyone else in this world. I can’t wait for the day when my sole obligation is to be her husband. I know for a fact that I will be perfect for that role.

“Little,” I say quietly, watching as her head pops up from her Kindle.

She tucks a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear as her eyes dart to mine. A huge smile spreads across her face, one that does crazy things to my insides. She tosses the Kindle onto the blanket and leaps up in one quick motion. Jumping into my arms, she squeals as she hugs me tight, her legs wrapping around me.

“Finally! I thought you would never get here.” She peppers kisses all over my face.

“God, I’ve missed you.” I bury my face in her neck and squeeze my arms around her.

It’s been a month since I’ve seen her. I had to go back to college early for training and football practices. This is Lily’s last weekend home before she leaves for college, and I needed to come see her.

“Me, too.”

Her blue gaze locks with mine, and the air between us changes. Her smile fades as her expression becomes serious. Her full lips part, and I feel the air from her mouth against the skin on my face.

She grasps my face between her hands and stares intently into my eyes. For a beat, I take in her perfection, her beauty. She was put on this earth for me. I love everything about her—from her silky long blonde hair and her impossibly blue eyes to the adorable spattering of freckles on her nose. As gorgeous as she is on the outside, she is equally as beautiful on the inside.

My lips find hers, and I kiss her hard. With every movement of my tongue, the world around us falls away.

The stressors of my life retreat. All I feel is Lily, and I am truly happy.

We make love beneath our oak tree where life is perfect, where everything makes sense. I live for these moments when it is just Lily and me in our own personal paradise, connected in a way that no one can understand but us.

We lie side by side atop the blanket. Our inner hands entwine as we look up through the tree branches.

“Are you excited?” I ask.

“Yeah, I am. I’m a little nervous, but I’m sure it will be great,” she answers with a hint of apprehension in her voice.

“It will be,” I agree. “I think it will be so much better than community college.”

She nudges her shoulder into mine. “Oh, stop. There is nothing wrong with community college. I loved the last two years.”

“Because it’s all you know. Once you see what real college is like, you’ll realize what you’ve been missing.”

She huffs out a laugh. “Excuse me? Real college?”

“You know what I mean,” I say lightheartedly. I let out an audible exhale. “Two more years.”

“Until?” she asks.

“Until college is over, and we can start our lives.”


Lily turns on her side, and I do the same. Our noses are inches apart as I look into her eyes.

“This right here is life. I love my life. I love you. You know, life isn’t a destination. It’s a journey,” she says.

“Is that so?” I laugh under my breath. “You should put that on a meme and post the hell out of it.”

“Jax, I’m serious. Are you okay?”

I see worry in her eyes, and that’s something that I never want to see.

“Little Love, I’m good. It was a joke.” I lean in marginally and give her a quick peck on the mouth.

“I know, but you seem off. Anything you want to talk about?”

“No, I’m great.” The last thing I want to do is weigh Lily

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