Forever Curves - Piper Sullivan Page 0,43

new bedroom. I knocked and both women turned at the same time, wide-eyed expressions on their faces. “Hi Dad! Did you see my room? Do you like it?” It was good to see her so damn excited about staying here with me, for a change.

I scanned the room, noting the shades of blue, with some black and silver that stood in contrast to the pink and purple monstrosity I’d been expecting. They’d done a good job of making the space hers, with throw pillows, tiara accents and a few stuffed animals for good measure. “It’s nice,” I told her honestly. “Very royal. Are those…dinosaurs?”

Mariana nodded enthusiastically. “And unicorns because they are my favorite animals.”

“Really? Dinosaurs and unicorns?” She nodded again. “Guess that means you won’t be bugging me for a pet anytime soon.”

Brenna let out a sharp laugh, her blue eyes glittering with amusement.

“Lizards and Komodo dragons are basically dinosaurs, and horses and unicorns are like brothers,” she offered with a teasing grin.

Thank goodness for Brenna because I had no comeback for that. “The desk and the chest of drawers will be here in two days.”

“Great. Thanks, Brenna. I really appreciate this. Did you ladies have fun today?”

“Oh my god, Dad, we had so much fun!” Mariana bounced up and down like she did a few nights ago when I let her eat chocolate ice cream at nine o’clock at night. “We went to like, five different stores, we had truffles and they were so good, and we talked about Mama. That’s all right, isn’t it?”

“It’s more than all right. You can tell me about her anytime you want. You know, she had on a tiara the night I met her. I asked if she was a princess and she laughed, said she was a Queen.”

Mariana giggled. “Mama said Queens hold the real power.”

Brenna laughed. “Your mama was one smart cookie.”

“Yep,” she said proudly, staring at Brenna as if she was some kind of superhero.

“We’re having steak fajitas for dinner. Who’s hungry?”

“Me! I haven’t eaten in hours,” Mariana said dramatically.

Brenna tossed her head back and laughed. “We had that street corn right before we left the mall. You’ve got a hollow leg, girl, I swear.” She shook her head, blue eyes shining with affection for my kid and that made me want her even more. “I’ll let you two get ready for dinner. I should probably head home.”

“You’re not staying?” Mariana looked outraged and a little hurt. “You have to say, Brenna. You have to. Dad makes the best steak fajitas with his special sauce. You’ll love it, I promise.”

Brenna wasn’t sold but anything I said would be met with skepticism and it seemed as if even Mariana knew it because she blinked those thick, inky eyelashes at Brenna and the woman practically melted. “If they’re not as good as promised, you owe me real steak fajitas.” I wasn’t sure which of us she was talking to but when she marched out of the bedroom, I was on her heels.

“Are you insulting my fajita-making skills, woman?”

“Not insultin’, more like questionin’ if you even have those skills.” Her sassy response put a smile on my face as I caught up with her.

“I have plenty of skills, Brenna. As you well know.” I didn’t miss the way her body vibrated, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

“Yeah, maybe so, but those skills don’t exactly translate to cooking delicious fajitas, do they?”

“You guys are being weird,” Mariana said, her tone confused and a little grumpy. “Grown ups are really weird. I’m going back to my room.”

“Take your new bedding to the laundry room so we can wash it before you use it.”

She turned around with a pout. “But I want to sleep on them tonight!”

“And if they get going in the wash, you might be able to.” At my words, she took off as fast as her little legs would carry her.

“Good job diffusing that situation.”

I sighed. “Like diffusing a bomb.”

“Welcome to life with a soon-to-be teenage girl.” Her blue eyes bounced around the kitchen. “Need any help?”

“Eye candy is always appreciated when I cook. Have a seat and tell me about your day.” It was nice, listening to Brenna’s soothing twang while I made dinner and her loud laughter when she said something that she found funny. “It was sweet of you to tell her that story about her mama. She misses her like crazy.”

“I don’t know how to do that part. I liked Alyssa, for as little as I Copyright 2016 - 2024