Forever Curves - Piper Sullivan Page 0,25

to touch her, but the bottom half was sexy and flowing, with a big split up one side. And instead of those strappy little dainty heels women often preferred, she had on white cowgirl boots.

“Damn woman, you look beautiful.”

A small flush crawled from her chest up to cover her cheeks. “Why, thank you, Grant. You look pretty damn gorgeous yourself.” Just to make her point, big blue eyes scanned the length of my body, she smiled and gave a short nod before she stepped back. “Come in, I’m almost ready.”

“You look ready to me.”

“That’s because you don’t have an eye for detail. My lips are bare.” She smacked her lips together and my control snapped.

“Perfect.” I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close enough that I could see the different colors of blue that swirled in her eyes a moment before my lips crashed against hers. Though there was no lipstick on her lips, they tasted like cherries. Sweet, plump cherries. I ravaged her mouth for several long minutes, enjoying the feel of the soft fabric as my hands traced her curves. “Damn.” I growled and pulled back.

Brenna laughed out loud and shook her head. “You got that right. Now, let me fix my lips so we can get outta here.” She winked and then sauntered off with an extra swing in her hips.

“I’ll be waiting,” I told her and adjusted the erection making the front of my pants tight. Very, very tight. My phone rang and it was another unknown number, but I picked it up anyway. “Hello?”

Nothing. Just background noise.

“Hello?” More silence met my greeting and I hung up, shoving the phone back in my pocket.

“Ready?” Brenna appeared with lush bright red lips and I had to resist the urge to mess it up with my lips.

“Yeah, let’s get going before we never make it out of here.”

“Ha! You think I took all this time getting ready to not be seen in my brand new dress? I don’t think so, Grant.”

“Ouch. I think my ego was just bruised.”

“Impossible,” she said with a teasing grin. “It’s just a few blocks to Miles and Shannon’s place, let’s take advantage of the weather and walk.”

Since she had on cowgirl boots, I shrugged my agreement and took her hand as we strolled down the block. “I like your boots.”

“Thanks. They’re one of my favorites.” She did a little foot twirl to show off the boots, complete with decorative buckles, and laughed. “You clean up real nice, Grant.”

“I do, don’t I?” She laughed and gave my shoulder a bump. We kept up a steady chatter on the short walk over, and Brenna even managed to ignore another hang up call with little more than a quizzical look.

By the time we arrived at the party, the music was loud and the drinks were flowing. “Should we dance or drink first?”

“Drink. Definitely a drink. Or two.”

“Fine. Let’s get you some liquid courage before we hit the dance floor.” She laughed and tugged me towards the tent covered bar area. “Shannon, you look beautiful!” Brenna wrapped her in a hug. “That dress looks even better under the natural light of the sun.”

“Thanks.” Shannon turned her green eyes on me. “And thank you for the champagne. It was a good call.”

“Told ya,” Brenna sang and grabbed two bottles of beer.

“No problem. Happy to help, and Brenna’s right, you look beautiful.”

She rolled her eyes. “I look big and pregnant, but I’ll take the compliment in the spirit it was given.” Shannon gave me a side hug and kissed my cheeks. “Have fun.”

Both me and Brenna took those words to heart, enjoying a couple beers each in between tearing it up on the dance floor. She let me twirl her around, pressed chest to chest during the slow songs and tried to teach me to line dance during the fast ones.

“You’re learnin’, but you definitely ain’t a southern boy.”

I didn’t care, as long as she let me hold her close for hours upon hours. “Maybe it’s my teacher.”

She sucked in a breath and smacked my arm. “You take that back! I’m an excellent dance teacher.” She put a hand to her stomach and sighed. “And I’m hungry.” Brenna marched towards the back steps that led inside the repainted Victorian and I laughed.

“The food is the other way.” Another tent had been erected where the buffet offered up barbecue meats and sides to satisfy everyone’s hunger.

“It’s called washing your hands, animal.”

I laughed and followed her inside, because Copyright 2016 - 2024