Foreplayer (Rookie Rebels #4) - Kate Meader Page 0,79

her suite at the Peninsula on Michigan Avenue. “What do you think?”

“You, Cinders, shall go to the ball.” Tara blessed her with an imaginary wand. “I can’t believe you got Sadie Yates to make you a dress.”

Mia smiled. “Helps to have connections. She has a waiting list a mile long but when she heard it was a matter of lust or death, she was all over it. True romantic.” She smoothed down the coral satin flared skirt, with its clever darts over her hips to give her an hourglass shape. Hitting just above the knee and paired with kitten heels—another Harper rec—she felt like herself but a little bit fine.

At least, on the outside.

Callum. Patrick. Foreman. How dare he criticize her grand plan? The things she could say to him about how he’d handled adversity … well. He could talk, meaning he couldn’t. Or shouldn’t. That was the point she was trying to make to her foggy brain.

Cal thought she’d messed up. Easy for him to say, but she was this close to getting what she wanted, and no one else had to suffer. Vadim wouldn’t be upset, Isobel and Harper would win the new franchise, and Mia would be back in the pros without Selena Fabien as her sworn enemy.

Tonight she was going to take all her newfound experience as a sex siren and use it on Tommy Gordon. Why wasn’t she happier about it?

She plonked on the bed.

“Why the frown?” Somehow Tara managed to spot Mia’s expression while applying liquid eyeliner expertly. Mia wasn’t going to go that route because she’d look like a sexy panda. “You’re worried he’s brought a date?”


Tara frowned, then stopped because she was very conscious about how her expressions affected her skin tone. “No, Tommy. You know that any date he brings won’t be serious. Not a guy like that who plays the field.”

Mia worried her lip. “Plays the field? Why the hell would he go for me if he could continue playing the field?” But neither did she want to witness him being serious with anyone. She wanted him to be unserious about every other woman up until this point and then be bowled over by Mia so he saw only her. Saw her properly. Was that too much to ask?

Only now she wasn’t sure about this plan. This falling out with Cal was a snarl to her thinking. Everything had become far too complicated.

“Look, you need to give him a chance to see you as a woman,” Tara said, still on the topic of the original mission. Thank God one of them was. “Then you practice some of your flirting moves, talk about his work, flatter him to the heavens, and captivate his interest. Piece of cake?”

Sure. “So what about you? Who’ve you got your eye on tonight?”

“Oh, I dunno. So many hockey stars, so little time. Do you think Cal will mind I’m here?” Something lurched in Mia’s chest because that didn’t answer the question, or perhaps it did. Tara had Foreman in her sights again. Fabulous.

“Hard to say. He might think you’re stalking him, but screw him. You’re my plus one, so to hell with him if he’s bothered. And if we both strike out, we’ll get drunk and dance the night away, okay?”

Mia held out her hand, palm down.

“What are you doing?”

She shook her palm. “Cover my hand with yours.” Tara did, tentatively, while Mia shouted, “Women on the prowl, assemble!”

“Go, team!”

Mia grinned. “We’ll work on it.”

Ten minutes later, they had champagne flutes in hand and were perusing the crowd when Isobel approached them.

“Mia, you look gorgeous! You left the house so early I didn’t get a chance to see you.”

“Thanks. I wanted to get ready with Tara—do you know Tara?”

“I don’t think—oh, right.” Isobel shook her hand and looked at Mia, awareness creeping up on her. “I didn’t know you guys were friends.”

Tara squealed. “Oh, there’s my favorite Swede! I’ll be back in a second.” She ran off to molest Erik Jorgenson, the Rebels goalie.

Wide-eyed, Isobel watched her then turned back to Mia. “What’s the story there?”

“The story?”

“That’s Foreman’s ex. When did you guys become pals?”

“We ran into each other at Starbucks. We’ve been hanging out.”

Isobel squeezed her arm. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around as much as I promised I would be. I’m a terrible sister.”

“It’s okay. And it’ll be worth it when the franchise is awarded.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’m assuming it’s pretty much a done deal?”

“Almost. They make the decision in a few Copyright 2016 - 2024