Forbidden: Her British Stepbrot - Lauren Smith Page 0,49

grasp her, draw her close and remind her of the electricity that sparked every time they touched, she wouldn’t be able to push him away, but her words rooted his feet to the ground.

“No. We haven’t even begun. You cannot shut me out.”

She lifted her chin. “Lacy warned me about what kind of man you were, but I didn’t want to believe her. I gave you a chance, but she was right. I was stupid to think you’d be different with me.”

“So you judge me without explanation?” He didn’t recognize his own voice. His words were dragged out of him, low and rough.

The food bag dropped to the ground with a thunderous smack. He stepped forward, leaning in close.

She stumbled in retreat, falling flat on her delectable ass when the backs of her knees hit the bed. Her eyes, wide with fright and inner pain, shined up at him, making him feel every inch the villain as he towered over to her.

“Kat, let me explain.” He eased down on one knee in front of her, putting them eye-to-eye. When he reached for her hands, she tugged them away, and the action burned him to the core.

A heavy silence settled between them and was only broken when she finally moved and pulled out a newspaper from beneath a pillow on her bed. She slapped it against his chest and crossed her arms.

Tristan stared at the picture of him and Brianna.

“This isn’t okay. Not for me. I won’t be with a guy, let alone sleep with him, when he’s doing this with another woman.”

The pages crinkled as his hands clenched.

Have to calm down . He let go of the newspaper. He could explain this and she’d forgive him because he hadn’t been with anyone since meeting her. More importantly, he didn’t want anyone but her.

“That was taken two weeks ago, before I met you. Her name is Brianna. She and I have— had an understanding. Until I met you…”

Kat scoffed, but he didn’t miss the pain in her voice, and it sliced him deep with an invisible blade.

“An understanding? What does that even mean?”

Tristan raked a hand through his hair, facing her.

“She and I have seen each other on and off for years. She’s never wanted a relationship, and neither have I. It’s been more to scratch an itch than anything.” For the first time in his life he wished he had never slept with Brianna.

“You mean like friends with benefits?” Kat asked, staring at the picture, her eyes still glimmering with tears. He got up from his knee and sat on the bed beside her.

“That’s a very American way to put it, but yes. I haven’t seen her since that photo was taken two weeks ago. And since I met you two days ago, there hasn’t been anyone else.” He reached for one of her hands again, but she shrank away. His empty palm dropped to the bed between them.

He tried to breathe, but it felt like a boulder was crushing his chest.

“So you’ll judge me for something I did before I met you? I never professed to be a bloody saint!” Anger prickled beneath his skin, and he struggled to keep the dangerous edge out of his voice.

She blinked. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “We haven’t even known each other a week.”

“Then give this a chance, Kat!” His voice rose, and he got to his feet, but he forced his hands to stay at his sides. If he didn’t, he’d touch her, and he couldn’t promise not to kiss her, to remind her that what they felt for each other couldn’t be denied.

“No! I can’t date a man who will likely cheat on me as soon as he gets bored. I have more respect for myself than that.” She got off her bed and walked to her desk, slapping her palms down on her textbooks. Her head bowed slightly.

“I’d never cheat on you. Bloody hell, woman, I swear on my life, on my title , I would not.” How could she accuse him of something like that? She’d never given him a chance to prove he wouldn’t.

Her head lifted, and she looked at him, those gray eyes burning through him.

“You think I’ll agree to sleep with you because you’re going to be an earl? I don’t give a damn about that. You seem to think it matters that you’re going to be powerful someday. You can have any woman you want, but not me. I don’t need to get my Copyright 2016 - 2024