Forbidden: Her British Stepbrot - Lauren Smith Page 0,29

dimple peeped out from his left cheek when he smiled. She’d never had a thing for dimples, but his made her knees go weak. Resting a hand over her stomach, she tried to quell the rising flutter of excitement.

“What’s the matter?”

“What’d you mean?” She licked her lips and glanced away.

“Your face is an enticing shade of pink.” He poured himself a second glass of wine, but when she reached for her own empty glass, he shook a finger at her. “Oh no, one is enough for you. I want your wits about you when I’m around.”

“What?” What man would ever refuse to let a girl drink more than one glass of wine? He was probably the first guy in the history of the world who didn’t want a woman intoxicated to increase his chances of getting laid.

“I want every decision you make with me to be completely clear-headed.”

“Why?” she demanded.

“Because I want you, Kat. And I want you to come to me without the influence of alcohol.”

Kat swallowed hard. Come to him? “You mean if I sleep with you.” She cleared her throat.

“When you sleep with me.”

She gaped. Words dissolved on her tongue.

“Why do you look so surprised?” There was an edge to his voice that made her shiver, but not in a bad way.

Damn him.

“I’m trying to figure out how your head doesn’t explode from the oversized ego you’re carrying around.”

“My massive ego? Trust me, it’s not my ego that’s oversized.” He chuckled. “How many men have you been with?”

“That’s none of your business,” she shot back.

It was too personal. There was no way she was telling him she was virgin. No way in hell.

“A couple?” he guessed, and then his eyes narrowed. “One man?”

Still, she didn’t answer. Her tongue seemed glued to the roof of her mouth.

“Are you a virgin?” He seemed to choke on the word.

Anger snapped inside her like a taut rubber band. “And if I am? Is that a bad thing?”

He needed to understand that she was cautious. Not some girl who slept with just any guy. Even if he was hot enough to melt her panties.

Shit! Get control, Kat .

“It’s not a bad thing.” Tristan stroked his jaw with one hand as he studied her. “It explains your reactions to me a bit more. Did you ever come close with someone?”

When she didn’t answer, he spoke again. “Don’t go quiet on me now, I like it when you aren’t afraid. Talk to me,” he pressed gently. “I promise not to tease you too much no matter what you say.” He seemed genuine enough that she believed him, in this, at least.

She couldn’t get the heat to fade from her face. “I had a boyfriend in high school, but we never did anything.”

“Ahh, there it is.” His lips sported a knowing smirk. Tristan relaxed, crossing his arms over his chest.

“What do you mean by that?” She climbed off her bed, stalked to the tiny counter, and clanged her plate as she set it down.

“Only that you don’t have enough experience to recognize what there is between us.”

He rose and joined her by the sink, setting his own plate on top of hers.

The heat of his body cocooned her when she turned around to face him. Right now, Kat hated how tall he was, how uneven she felt when trying to challenge him. The man could unbalance her with a smile, or a small but seductive brush of his hand anywhere on her body.

“There’s nothing wrong with not having a lot of sexual experience. It means I’ll have the pleasure of teaching you.” His voice dropped to a husky level that sent ripples of excitement through her. “Of being your first . And there’s so much I can introduce you to…toys…role play…” He made a soft, rumbling sound that was almost a growl.

“T—toys?” The word came out on a stutter, and she clamped her mouth shut.

“Yes. Things I can slip inside you that vibrate, pulse, shiver. Things that will make you lose your mind while I fuck you. Wouldn’t you like that?”

It was like the power went out inside her head, and everything logical shut down as her body reacted with an explosion of lust. She rushed for the bed, sitting down just a second before her legs would have given out. Holy hell…She was talking to Tristan about sex toys?

He swirled his glass of wine, inhaling the scent, his lids dropping to half-mast.

Kat desperately needed another drink if they were going to continue this conversation. Copyright 2016 - 2024