Forbidden Heart (Hearts of the Highlands #6) - Paula Quinn Page 0,91

The others agreed.

Galeren remained quiet. Now that a little bit more time had passed, he could think more clearly. He’d liked Morgann and to think of his head smashed to bits by a swinging boulder was unpleasant. Not so though for any mercenaries. He was glad he never told John about the forest.

He wondered if any of his kin worried about mercenaries getting in. He knew they had the upper hand in the walled town. They had positions along all the walls. But no defense was impenetrable. They were not in a castle but in a house with different ways inside. Galeren wondered if the stronghold was built the way it was for a reason. His father and uncles were clever. There was much defense here. They were safe here. Even the shepherds outside the gate were safe. Every house was within sight of someone patrolling the walls. “I was thinkin’ of usin’ Jamie’s cottage tomorrow night fer our weddin’ night. I want to be completely alone with her. Withoot any of ye tryin’ to give us more advice or any of the women or Father Timothy—or Lionell at our door.”

“Verra well,” his father said. “I will make certain the cottage is heavily protected.”

“There ye are, Galeren,” Father Timothy said as he appeared and went to Galeren’s side. “A word, please.”

“Of course, Father.” Galeren passed his kin a concerned looked and then followed the priest into the church.

Midnight settled on the manor house, but Silene couldn’t sleep. She sat in her chemise in a chair by the open window and looked down at the moonlit practice field. He’d been there today, looking so fit, so graceful and yet savage as he fought. His father and uncles pushed him until Silene was sure he would fall, but he didn’t. She knew they wouldn’t kill him but, still, each moment struck her nerves until she thought she would cry out to him to look out!

She didn’t have to. He saw every blow about to strike him.

And when the fighting was finally over, he looked up as if feeling her there, watching as she was. She missed him.

Just one more night and they would be wed. What would it be like to be his wife? What would it be like to have a family, a motherly woman who dotted on her? Braya spent a lot of her time with Aleysia and Julianna, who were often accompanied by their daughters, Elysande, and Adela or Geva. Braya had no daughter. Until now.

Silene didn’t mind the adoption. She hadn’t seen her own mother in years. She—

A soft rapping at her door drew her from her thoughts. Who could be knocking at this hour? She left the chair and padded to it.

“Aye? Who is there?”

“Arise, my love, my beautiful one,

and come away.

O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,

in the crannies of the cliff,

let me see yer face,

let me hear yer voice,

fer yer voice is sweet,

and yer face is lovely.”

Silene lifted her hand to her mouth. Song of Solomon was one of her favorite scriptures.

“Open the door, my love.”

She did as he bid her and opened the door a crack. When she saw his beautiful green eyes, she opened it a little more.

“What are you doing here at such a late hour?”

“I have come to wed ye, lass.”

Daffodil meowed from beneath his hair falling loose to his nape. Her heart flipped and she couldn’t help but smile at him. “The morning approaches.”

“’Tis after midnight. ’Tis tomorrow and the end of my vow. Father Timothy awaits us in the church.”

“Father Timothy?”

“Aye, he is the one who reminded me that I took my vow at midnight. Now, come quickly,” he whispered, and his eyes glittered in the torchlit hall. “I want to be yer husband.”

“Now?” What was he saying? Marry now? “Let me get my cloak.”

He smiled as if England just broke off and floated into the North Sea.

“Will everyone be there?” she asked, leaving the door open and reaching for her purple gown.

“Just us tonight, my love. We will have Father Timothy do it all over again tomorrow with our kin and yer gown. Aye?”

She smiled, nodded, and grabbed her cloak.

“Come,” he beckoned, “tonight, I am chaste no more.”

His words along with his low, whispered voice dripped down her spine like a flame igniting her blood. She was going to be his wife. Now. Her belly tightened. Her heart thumped hard in her chest. He hadn’t been with a woman for six years. He was hungry for Copyright 2016 - 2024