Forbidden Heart (Hearts of the Highlands #6) - Paula Quinn Page 0,88

I can tell you that in just a few short days of traveling, we were attacked more than once.”

He stared at her, looking like he might say something more. But he thought better of it and nodded.

Silene felt sad for him and she felt sadness from him. But he’d had enough pity.

“I’m just about to begin my morning prayers. Would you care to join me?”

“In yer room?”

“I will keep the door open.”

He shook his head but then whispered, “Aye.”

Smiling, Silene led him inside, left the door open and kneeled beside the hearth fire.

After a moment of him probably fighting himself on whether to stay or go, he knelt beside her.

Father Timothy shuffled down the long hall to the three doors at the end. He might be a wee bit late, but he was going as fast as he could. He liked staying active by walking though. It kept him young for his age of almost eighty years. He didn’t mind coming to the manor house to escort Silene back to church. He enjoyed their prayers together in the morn—so much that he neglected Cain’s son, Tristan, and his ten-year return to pray with her instead.

She was a delight, thankful and joyous in prayer. The old priest felt revived and invigorated after his prayers with her. She was devoted to God and Galeren, and soon she would be devoted to the clan.

He was happy she would be a part of the MacPherson family.

When he came to the third door, he saw that hers was open. He peeked his head inside, about to call her.

He saw her and Lionell by the hearth in prayer. Lionell. How had she managed that?

He looked up. “Ye are good.”

Chapter Twenty-One

Galeren scowled at Lionell when his brother ducked and then leaped back avoiding Galeren’s strikes, then came back to punch his brother in the jaw.

Mac and the others playfully jeered their captain.

“What distracts ye, Brother?” Lionell asked and returned to his fighting stance.

“My thoughts drift to Silene. I want to see her, and she will not allow it.”


“What d’ye mean, aye?” Galeren’s stare turned to a dark glare.

“She told me,” Lionell told him and thrust his sword at Galeren’s belly.

Galeren smacked the blade from Lionell’s hand and stepped closer to him. “When did she tell ye? What did she tell ye?”

“This morn. A wee bit before dawn, in truth. Are we still practicin’?”

Galeren shook his head. “I might kill ye.”

Lionell nodded. “That is what I told her.”

Galeren ran his palm down his face and clenched his painful jaw. “Brother, ye had better explain. Start at the beginnin’.”

So, Lionell told him. “We prayed together.”

Galeren couldn’t be angry that she had gotten this lad to pray. “Why is she stayin’ in her room and not seein’ me? Is she angry with me? Afraid? What did she say?”

“She doesna want to end up in yer bed a day before yer vow is over.”

Galeren gave him a doubtful stare. “She told ye that?”

He knew Silene better. She wouldn’t bring up such things with his brother.

“She told Adela,” Lionell told him. “Adela told me.”

So, she was staying away for his sake. He should have known. “’Tis considerate of her,” Galeren decided out loud. “But I still feel like breakin’ down her door.”

“One more day, Brute. Ye can do it,” Lionell said and made way for Galeren’s next opponent.

“’Tis refreshin’ to know ye dinna have complete control over yerself, Cap,” Mac said, stepping forward. “Ye are mortal like the rest of us.”

Galeren swung his heavy claymore and cracked it against Mac’s. They practiced for another two hours and then headed for something to eat.

“Where should we start?” Mac asked Lionell, rubbing his sore thigh.

“Start what?” asked Galeren.

“’Tis the last day of my vow,” Mac told him. “Lionell is goin’ to take me and the lads to the village.”

“Ah, aye, the end of yer vows,” Galeren said. “Where is Will? He didna practice today.”

“Last I saw him,” Padrig advised him, “he was sharin’ words with yer cousin, Geva.”

Geva! Uncle Nicky’s daughter!

He rose from his seat in the dining hall and pushed his chair out behind him. Beautiful, sweet Geva with Will? No. What was his friend doing? Why would he go after Geva? Aye, his cousin was captivating, with large, sable eyes and glossy, chestnut locks that fell to her waist. She also possessed just enough sauciness to hook Will, but his uncle would skin his arse if he touched her.

Galeren was on his way to Nicholas’ manor house when the front door opened Copyright 2016 - 2024