A Fool's Gold Wedding - Susan Mallery Page 0,19

guy know she had backup was good.

Not that she and Joaquin were dating or anything. Well, they were something, but she was having a little trouble defining what they were. Friends, she thought. Friends who had kissed.

While Joaquin detailed his background, Montana leaned close and whispered, “I like your young man.”

Abby glanced at Joaquin before whispering back, “I do, too.”

* * *

“THANK YOU FOR setting that up,” Joaquin said as he drove Abby back to her house. “They were both very interesting people.”

Abby leaned back in her seat and smiled. “They’re lovely. I was afraid you and Simon were going to talk shop all night and spoil my appetite, but you didn’t.”

“Surgical procedures are not something to be discussed over dinner.”

“A man with standards. I like that.”

The evening had gone really well, she thought. She’d been sure it would, but it was nice that they all got along. “I’m glad you’re going to get a chance to talk shop with Simon tomorrow. You’ll enjoy that.”

Joaquin glanced at her before returning his attention to the road. “I appreciate the opportunity.”

“Maybe you can dissect a frog together or something.”

He chuckled. “Is that what you think we do in our free time?”

“I hope not.”

He parked in front of her house and turned to her. “Your uncle is very approachable. I wasn’t sure he would be.”

“Because of the famous surgeon stuff? He used to be all grumpy and stuffy.” She unfastened her seat belt. “Back when he first got to Fool’s Gold.” She smiled. “Then he met Montana and fell madly in love. He was transformed.”

She paused. “I thought you’d be like he was before.”


She hesitated. “Maybe grumpy is the wrong word, but you know, stuffy and difficult to talk to. But you’re not. You’re funny and easy to be with.”

She almost said “handsome” but stopped herself in time. Not that he wasn’t but because he might misunderstand. “You’re also really good with your hands,” she added without thinking, then groaned.

“I was thinking of the way you put beads on the place cards,” she said quickly. “It came out way more dirty than I expected.”

He leaned toward her. “I like to think I am good with my hands, but it seems a little soon. You strike me as the kind of woman who wants to get to know someone first.”

Whoa! Were they talking about what she thought they were talking about? He was just so out there with it. Just saying it. Most of the guys she knew were more suggestive and less straightforward. Although she liked Joaquin’s way better.


“Yes, waiting is good.”

His gaze locked with hers. “What about kissing?”

She shifted toward him, anticipation making her feel all tingly inside. “Kissing is nice.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

He pressed his mouth to hers. The feel of his lips against hers was the perfect ending to a perfect evening. She rested her hands on his shoulders. He stroked her back.

She wanted to get closer but the stupid console was in the way. Whoever designed car interiors did not take kissing into account—that was for sure.

Still, this was nice, and when she parted her lips, he swept inside, deepening the kiss and cranking up the intensity. She went from worrying about not being close enough to getting lost in how it felt to be really, really kissed by him.

Every stroke of his tongue increased her need. Heat swept through her, stealing her will and her breath. In less than five seconds she went from “sure I want to get to know the guy first” to “let’s go back to your hotel.”

She drew back a little and stared at him. He looked as stunned as she felt.

“Did you feel that?” she asked.

“The jolt that had me wondering if we were too old to do it in the back of a car?” he asked, his voice thick with passion.

“I was leaning toward your hotel room.”

“That’s an option, too.”

She wanted him, that much was clear. She liked him. A lot. But... But...

“So here’s the thing,” she said with a quick shrug. “I’ve had boyfriends and we done a lot of playing around and stuff, but I’ve never actually gone all the way.”

Joaquin stared at her. “You’re a virgin?” He sounded comically surprised.

“Mostly. I’ve had orgasms. Like I said, I’ve gotten close but I’ve never...” She internally rolled her eyes. Made love was an option. Had intercourse. The man was a doctor—she doubted she could say anything about the human body that would shock him.

“I want it to be special,” she

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