A Fool's Gold Wedding - Susan Mallery Page 0,14

liked the idea of her falling for her neighbor. “It would still be a problem if you broke up. You’d run into him all the time.”

“You’re right. See? I should have done it in college. What about you? Did you do it in college?”

There was something suggestive about the way she asked the question. No, he told himself. He was reading it all wrong.

“You mean did I fall in love?”


“I was twelve in college.”

“Oh, right. So no.” She looked at him. “Why do you and Davis look so different? He looks a lot like your parents. Is there a distant aunt who’s tall and blonde?”

“You don’t know?”

Abby shook her head.

“I’m adopted. My parents thought they couldn’t have children and they adopted me. Two years later, Mom got pregnant.” He’d often wondered if her body had done that in self-defense when she’d realized how difficult he was going to be. Not a sound biological theory but one he couldn’t shake.

“I didn’t know that. No one told me. We have that in common. Only you were a baby and didn’t know any different. I knew my biological parents. At least my dad. I don’t remember my mom. But now I have Liz and Ethan and they’re great.”

“And the forty-plus other relatives.”

“There is that. Did I tell you Ethan has triplet sisters? How on earth would anyone handle triplet babies? I can’t begin to imagine. Oh!” She smiled. “I totally forgot. So one of my aunts is married to a surgeon. Simon Bradley. I don’t know if you’ve heard of him or not. Anyway, he and his wife, Montana, want to take us to dinner. If you’re interested. I thought you’d have a lot in common with Simon.”

And there it was, Joaquin thought. With zero work on his part. For a second, he felt a flash of guilt, as if he was doing something wrong. But how could he be, he told himself. Abby was asking him to dinner with her uncle. It would be rude not to accept the invitation.

“Sounds like fun,” he told her.

“Great. I’ll get something set up.”

Just then their server returned with two glasses and a huge plate of what he assumed were nachos.

“You’re going to love this,” Abby told him.

He smiled. “I’m sure I am.”

* * *

I totally forgot I have a workout class this morning, so I can’t pick you up until after that.

ABBY PUSHED SEND on her phone, then rolled onto her back. She’d gotten a slow start that morning—mostly because she hadn’t slept well the night before. Thoughts of Joaquin had kept her awake long past her bedtime.

She wasn’t usually the type to lie awake, thinking about a guy, so her reaction confused her. Yes, he was funny and really good-looking and she liked being around him, but so what? She had a wedding to deal with and a summer to enjoy and...

She liked him, she thought, admitting the truth to herself. She liked him. She wanted to spend more time with him even if they did nothing more than sit across from each other and stare into each other’s eyes. She felt herself wanting to act silly and giggle and call all her friends and talk about him. It was embarrassing and more than a little scary. She was smarter than that—plus, he was just a guy.

Only he felt like more than that, she admitted. He was—

What’s the class? Ladies only or can I tag along?

She sat up, trying not to grin too broadly. Guys are welcome, but it’s a pretty killer workout. Aware she’d just issued a challenge, she smiled and pushed the send button.

His reply came back immediately. I’m in.

Great. I’ll pick you up at quarter to nine. Hydrate and don’t eat a big breakfast.

Now I’m intrigued.

Later you’ll be whimpering.

Is that a challenge?

It’s more of a promise.

Right on time she pulled up in front of the hotel. Joaquin was waiting in front. She tried to keep her heart from doing its stupid fluttery thing, but didn’t seem to have as much control as she would have liked.

She told herself there was no earthly reason to react that way. It certainly wasn’t the wardrobe. Joaquin had on workout pants and an oversize T-shirt. Nothing overtly sexy. Yet on him, it all looked good.

“You’re driving,” he said by way of greeting. “I thought we walked everywhere in town.”

“Usually, but CDS is a little far and there’s no way we’ll be able to walk all the way back to the hotel when we’re done.” She

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