Fool for You (Southern Bride #7) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,63

the hills and the vineyards that weren’t that far from here.

I turned on the radio to the local country station and walked over, stopping right next to her.

“Did you miss this when you were racing?” she asked, her voice so soft I hardly heard.

“I missed a lot of things when I was racing.”

Turning, she gazed up at me with that smile that made my heart want to beat right out of my chest. “Like what?”

“I missed my folks, Hailey, my horse.”

She laughed and shook her head.

“I missed my best friend.”

Her brows rose. “Oh?”

With a nod, I leaned in closer and placed my mouth against her ear. “She didn’t know it at the time, but I was madly in love with her.”

Emmerson clutched my arms as if she needed me to hold her up. Kenny Chesney’s “Me and You” came on the radio, and I drew back and met her gaze. Her smile grew bigger and she tilted her head, giving me a shy look. “Did you plan for this song to come on?”

With a wink, I asked, “Will you do me the honor and dance with me, Ms. Wallace?”

She bit into her lower lip before giving me a nod and allowing me to draw her body against mine.

Dancing with Emmerson had always been one of my favorite things. We had both learned how by dancing with each other and Noah and Hailey. But when the two of us danced together, it just worked. It was like we were made for each other in so many ways.

Emmerson rested her head on my chest as we slowly danced under the stars and let everything and everyone else slip away. The fake engagement, Hailey and Mike’s breakup, the fact that we were keeping our relationship a secret from our folks. It all seemed to disappear until it was only the two of us and the millions of stars above our heads.

“Landon,” Emmerson whispered against my chest.

I dug my fingers into her hair, my other hand rubbing against her back. “Yeah, baby?”

“Will you make love to me now?”

I let out a small chuckle. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

Bending down, I picked her up. She slid her arms around my neck, and I walked us over to the back of the truck. I had laid down the heavy blanket first, followed by both quilts. I folded up a jacket I had in the backseat to use as a makeshift pillow for Emmerson. This wasn’t how I pictured our first time making love, but it felt right. And the way Emmerson was currently looking at me said she felt the exact same way.

Gently putting her on the bed of the truck, I watched as she pulled her shirt over her head and then reached behind her to unclasp her bra. I stood there, mesmerized by how beautiful she looked in the moonlight.

I followed her lead and pulled my shirt over my head before I tossed it on top of hers. I kicked off my boots and proceeded to remove my jeans while I watched Emmerson do the same.

There was no way I could stop the smile on my face as she moved up and spread out on the bed of my truck. There was something so fucking sexy about it, and I knew I would never look at the back of this truck again without thinking about Emmerson and making love to her for the first time.

My heart stilled in my chest when a thought occurred to me. “Emme, I just realized I don’t have a condom,” I whispered.

“It’s okay, I’m on birth control.”

I crawled on top of her, groaning before I kissed along her neck

Giggling, she moved her fingers softly over my back and whispered back, “Is that a good groan or an ‘oh shit we’re going to have to stop’ groan.”

I drew back and looked down at her. “It’s an ‘I’m going to come the moment I push inside of you’ groan.”

Her soft lips went into a pout. “That would be a damn shame, not to mention it would totally ruin this night for me.”

I shot her a look that said there was no way this night would be ruined for either of us.

I positioned my body over hers and cradled her face in my hands. “I love you, Emmerson. And not in a brotherly way. I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember.”

A tear slipped free and rolled down the side of her face, and I Copyright 2016 - 2024