Fool For You - By Megan Noelle Page 0,53

a nice hot shower, I was going to be tempted by that amazing man and his comforting arms. It would be dark, lonely and I wanted him around more than anything—but alone was what I was used to. I couldn’t change all that now. The wounds from my previous heartbreak were far too fresh to be tampered with again.

Before waking him up I pulled on a pair of sweats and a ratty T-shirt. No need to tempt him again. I flipped the light switch on and Corey blinked awake, eyes searching the room to remember where he was. For the first time since we’d met I felt awkward. My arms wound around my chest as he sat up in his naked perfection. His eyes met mine and an easy grin spread the width of his face.

“Come back,” he cajoled.

I shook my head, making him laugh. He moved himself off my bed and grabbed his boxers from the floor. My eyes stared at the sight without blinking, even though I tried to get myself to look away. He stepped into the leg holes of his jeans and pulled them up next.

My arms tightened around my middle as he sauntered towards me. I didn’t expect him to reach out for me but he wound his arms around my waist and pulled me into his rock hard chest.

“Was that so bad?” He whispered against my hair.


“Sleeping next to me.” As he said the words I picked up on the vulnerability in his voice. It was what he didn’t say that made me sorry for what I was doing. He thought I left after we hooked up because I didn’t want to be near him—not because I was afraid of what being too close to him would do to me.

Hurting Corey was the last thing I wanted; he just needed to understand this really was all I could give. Without the ability to stop myself I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him hold me close. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that he was a great person and was someone I already knew I could depend on. And it was for that reason I let the hug continue—I needed a good person in my life and chances were—so did he.

When he pulled away slightly he softly molded his lips against mine. It felt much too intimate for the situation but the feeling of our lips together didn’t make me want to pull away either. Time stood still as I felt safe wrapped up in him. Being, around Corey made me feel sexy, beautiful, daring and protected all in the same moment. I wasn’t even sure it was possible to feel those things simultaneously—never before had those emotions struck me all at once.

His soft lips pulled away but his eyes held mine in a way that made me wonder if he was ever going to let go or if I ever wanted him to. In a movie it would be one of those moments when the couple reveals their undying love for one another. But it was no movie and in my life I’d yet to experience a relationship with anything near a happy ending.

And I didn’t believe in that anymore.

“Your shirt’s still on the kitchen floor.” The words stumbled out in a single breath. Corey let out a laugh and finally let me go.

“I suppose I’ll need that back.” He gave my cheek a small pinch and headed towards the kitchen.

“So are you still going to kick me out tonight? Or have I finally proven myself worthy to stay the night?”

My heart leapt into my throat, I hated being put on the spot. If he hadn’t been so blunt about it I planned to slowly pretend to be exhausted and make up some excuse about not being able to sleep with someone next to me. Throw around the term “medical condition” a few times, since no one could really deny the words of a doctor. Actual, rejection was not part of the plan and there was no way to answer without looking like a bitch. So I went with the only thing I could think of. “I have to work in the morning.” Corey slowly nodded his head; he didn’t hear my words instead he heard a brush-off. I mean come on—what guy would be that bummed about banging a girl then going back home?

“I’ll be out of your hair in a few.” I nodded lamely as he gathered Copyright 2016 - 2024