Fool For You - By Megan Noelle Page 0,40

mine. Before I could reply Sanders showed up opposite us behind the bar. Corey transitioned into bar owner as he held out his hand to make the introductions.

“Sanders this is Danielle Hamilton the new owner of the Inn; Dani this is Sanders.” Sanders extended his hand out to me and I shook it with a smile. His eyes held mine as he gave a firm shake—good start so far. If a man had a weak handshake I knew right away to steer clear.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said politely.

“You too.”

Sanders was a little shorter than Corey’s 6 ‘3 and much lankier. Where Corey was toned and hard, Sanders was close to skin and bones. The top of his head was also covered with a white blonde mop of hair fringing across his soft green eyes. Sanders had the potential to look like a surfer dude if he spent some time in the sun and hit the gym every so often. Now though, he much more resembled a computer nerd than a surfer. There was a boyish charm to his face and with the right attitude and knowledge of drinks he would do just fine at weddings.

“Well, you have the floor Dani,” Corey said, crossing his arms over his chest. The flirtatious guy that was there just a minute ago was nowhere to be found. This was boss man, ready to pounce if he felt I was disrespecting his employees in any way. Of course the fierce blue eyes fixated on me made his demand way too hot for my own good. Lord—I had a serious problem.

“Okay well Corey told me you’ve done a few weddings before at the Inn.” I paused for confirmation and once he nodded I continued. “Since I’m taking over I just want to be sure all of my employees do things in a way I feel is beneficial for customer service and to bring in more clientele. While you are not directly my employee you’ll be working weddings and receiving a paycheck from us. And don’t worry—my staff is undergoing the same type of scrutiny as you are.”

I shot Corey a look so he wouldn’t continue thinking I was personally attacking his employees. The corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk.

“Makes sense, so what are you looking for first of all?” Sanders said, bringing me back to the task at hand. “I composed a list of some of the most popular drinks people ask for, I’m just going to assume you know enough about beer as it is. I’ll order the drink and you treat me like a customer. Just do exactly what you would if Corey wasn’t here and I wasn’t testing you.”

Sanders nodded his head. “Got it.”

“I’d like one Long Island, please.”

“Coming right up,” Sanders said with a smile. “How has your day been today?”

“Oh, not too bad, long of course.”

“Well that’s what this here drink is for. Make your day go a little smoother.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “That’s exactly right.” My eyes followed him as he moved with precision to create the drink. Sanders made sweeping motions every time he added a new liquor to the shaker, the same kind you see all bartenders do in movies. When he wasn’t concentrating on what he was doing his eyes were fixated on me as he asked a little more about what it was like working at the Inn.

“It’s a change of pace but I’m not too worried—I like a good challenge.”

“I’ll bet you’re going to do a phenomenal job.” Sanders poured the drink into a chilled tall glass and added a pink umbrella before placing it in front of me.

Now I have had my fair share of alcoholic beverages. Whether it was simply from going to bars with friends or out to client dinners where they’d insisted I try something new. Whatever the case, I knew what a good drink was— and this was definitely one of the better ones I’ve had.

“This is delicious.” Sanders flashed a grin.

“Thank you—what else can I get you?” The question was asked with a smile and for a moment I almost forgot I was in the middle of testing him.

“I’d like a tequila sunrise, please.”

“One of my personal favorites.” I took another sip of my Long Island but before I could set it down Corey grabbed it and took a drink. My eyes locked onto his Adam’s apple as he swallowed down the beverage, subconsciously my tongue flicked out to lick my bottom lip. Copyright 2016 - 2024