Fool For You - By Megan Noelle Page 0,143

her bro, she’s not your girl.” Corey shot a deathly glare to him, as I stood frozen on the spot.

“That’s because she is stubborn as shit, but I promise you—she’s mine. And I swear to God if I ever catch you touching her again, I will knock your ass out so fucking fast you won’t even see it coming.” The guy looked from me to Corey, before waving a hand dismissively in front of him.

“When you get rid of this tool, come find me baby.” With that he stepped back inside and Corey’s hand shot out and took hold of the cigarette against my lips.

“Why the fuck are you pressing my damn buttons tonight, Danielle!”

“Don’t act like I started this, Corey! You were flirting with that disgusting excuse for a human being and even worse, letting her touch you! So keep your fucking hands off me!”

Corey’s hands flew to the brick wall behind me, effectively trapping me in against him. “I wasn’t flirting with her. You walked away and she kept ordering drinks; Sanders refused to take her order anymore so I had to!”

“That’s bullshit! Stay the hell away from me, Corey! We’re fucking done!” I shoved his chest with all the force I could conjure up. He stepped back a few feet but grabbed hold of my wrists to keep me from making a break for it.

“You’re not going anywhere Danielle, you and your stubborn ass are staying with me!” His blue eyes bore into mine, which would have made me afraid if I wasn’t so damn pissed off.

“You can’t tell me what to do! Go back into the bar and fuck Jayme, because I sure as hell don’t want you anymore!” My heart was stuck in my throat and my stomach was twisted together in knots. Everything about me was on fire with rage; successfully blocking out the searing pain hidden just below the surface.

“I don’t want that chick! Since the goddamn moment you walked into my bar, it has been you that I’ve wanted and only you! Why can’t you just fucking get that through your head!” His words were breaking through my barrier and I didn’t want them to.

“Stay away from me!” I yelled back as loud as I could.

“Not a chance!” With that he swung me over his shoulder.

“Put me down!” My fists beat against his back but that did nothing to stop him from carrying me away. Before I knew it we were at the steps to reach his apartment. I continued yelling but Corey ignored me as he used his booted foot to kick open the door.

I expected him to set me down but he walked us through his dark apartment, until we came to his bedroom. I was flung back over his shoulder and landed with a bounce onto his bed. Corey was positioned above me before I had a chance to realize all that was happening.

“Why are you doing this to me, Danielle?” I anticipated a firm and demanding tone but his voice was pleading and desperate. When I looked into his eyes, it was as if I realized for the first time what I had done to him, by letting another guy lick me up. Especially where Corey had a front row seat of the action.

“I hate her.” Was all my drunken state of mind could respond with.

“What made you think I would ever want her when I have you? Hearing about another guy taking you out is hard enough but goddamn Dani, having to watch another dude all over you, fucking killed me!” Remorse was the dominant feeling coursing through me.

“So now I’m going to show you, that whether you want to believe it or not—you’re mine!” My body was hurting for him. The look in his eyes alone told me I was seconds away from combusting.

His mouth claimed mine. Our tongues moved together while he grabbed hold of my bottom lip and sucked it between his. His hands worked quickly to pull my jacket off and then my tank top. We sat up together, as his hand unclasped my bra. I needed to feel his skin against mine and it was vital to feel him inside me, more than ever before. My hands hurried along the bottom of his shirt and quickly yanked it over his head. I shoved his shoulder to push him back against the bed, while I climbed back over top of him. My fingers reached out for the belt and fly of his jeans. Copyright 2016 - 2024