Fool For You - By Megan Noelle Page 0,13

He slipped out the twenty I gave him from his rear pocket and exchanged it for a five dollar bill, then walked back over to me.

“Ready?” Nodding, I felt my pulse spike as his warm arm circled around my waist.

We left the bar and I let him lead me towards the back of the building, where a staircase lead up to another door. Corey walked up first but kept hold of my hand to pull me along. I was sure it was to keep me from suddenly backing out. Something told me that even though our banter had been playful before, we were both as affected by the other. More than a dozen times over the night, I had seen Corey’s eyes drift down towards my lacy bra. Not that I was complaining; this was what I was asking for. Not to mention, I had definitely taken a few looks at his tantalizing behind whenever he’d walked away.

Corey released my hand when we were at the platform and slid the key into the door. We walked in and he closed it behind us; hanging the keys on a hook next to the door. Before I could even take in my surroundings, I was pushed against it and his eager mouth pressed against mine. The taste of his lips was intoxicating, with a hint of the tequila shot from earlier. Strong hands moved down the length of my torso until he found the bare skin along my stomach. My body shivered at his touch. He broke the kiss to move his lips down the length of my neck; my head dropped back to give him better access. Between his lips, tongue and the little nips he placed along my jaw line; I was amazed my body didn’t find release then and there.

Corey stopped his kisses long enough for my lips and tongue to find his neck. A soft groan escaped from deep in his throat; the sound alone lit a fire deep within me. The little noises he made only drove me to want to hear them more. Corey grabbed hold of my shoulders and held me back; the arousal in his eyes made him even more irresistible as he searched my ever-waiting body. After a beat of our eyes locked in silent confirmation of the act we were about to do. He lifted me around my waist and flipped me over his shoulder. I couldn’t suppress the squeal that emanated, as he carried me off towards what I assumed was the direction of his room.

“Nice place,” I joked as I hung upside down; Corey laughed.

When we reached his bedroom, all joking attitudes were gone. I was back on my feet and Corey’s hands skillfully removed my shirt in seconds. His hands pressed against the small of my back as his mouth trailed along the top of my breasts. A moan escaped, as I felt the bulge in his jeans pressed against me.

“Can I tell you something?” he asked, his hands moved up to unhook my bra.

“What?” Please don’t let this alluring man be a sex-talker. All I wanted right then was to hear heavy breathing and moans of pleasure. Most importantly—to have this good-looking guy take me into another world; not to sit and have a conversation.

“If you had tried to leave with someone else tonight, I’m pretty sure I would have beat their ass.”

My lips smirked up at the unexpected possessive tone. “Oh really? And why’s that?”

He placed a kiss at the base of my neck as my bra fell from my arms. His eyes stared appreciatively before looking back up to meet my gaze.

“I saw you first.” My body instantly ignited at one of the hottest things I’d ever heard, before being swept away in passion.

The Beginning

Corey sat up in bed, his back resting against the pillows; watching as I crawled out and began moving around the room to collect my clothes. I shot a glance in his direction and couldn’t help but smile. Black and colored ink stood-out against his tanned body, as I took in his perfectly sculpted chest. The tattoos stretched across the muscles of his arms and pecks while his delicious—I know, I’ve tasted—six-pack remained ink free. That sight paired with the look of satisfaction resting over the planes of his face—was a wonderful view. My body was sore but sated. It had been a while since I’d had sex and even longer since I’d had sex like that. My eyes lingered on his Copyright 2016 - 2024