Flowers for Her Grave - By Judy Clemons Page 0,80

a child would really kill them.”

“Good men wouldn’t be scared off by a child.”

“Good men don’t get involved with women like Krystal. At least, not the side of her she shows everyone. But maybe there’s another side. Think about it. She must’ve been in her teens when she had the baby. A teen who was nowhere near mature enough to raise a child. She’s not mature enough now.”

“I guess.”

“So now she’s distanced herself from her daughter to give the girl a chance at a traditional family. The girl looked happy in that photo, didn’t she?”

She did. Happy and healthy. “Oh, no.” Casey looked at the clock on Krystal’s wall. “I gotta go. I’m late for Dylan.”

Death smiled. “He’ll wait. He wants you bad.”

Casey ran back downstairs, got what she needed from her office, and jogged into the weight room.

Dylan was waiting, and slumped with obvious relief when she appeared. He twisted his towel in his hands. “I thought you were going to stand me up after…well, I was afraid I scared you off last night.”

“It takes more than a guy asking me out to scare me off, Dylan. Sorry I’m late. Why don’t you jump on the treadmill.”

“That’s it?”

She looked up from the clipboard she’d grabbed in her office. “What else were you expecting?”

“Aw, come on,” Death said from the closest exercise machine. “Look at the poor kid. He’s smitten. You’re hurting his feelings.”

Casey propelled Dylan over to the cardio machines. “Dylan, I have another client in forty minutes. I want to get your workout in.”


“I’m not mad at you, okay? I promise.”

He straddled the treadmill, his feet on the sides. “I’m not worried about you being mad at me. I want to…Oh, forget it.” He punched the Go button and began running.

Casey closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. What was this thing with her and younger men? First Eric, in Ohio, although he wasn’t nearly the baby this one was, and she somehow thought his sexual experience—and morals, perhaps—were a bit more traditional.

“Oh, no!” Dylan yanked the safety clip from the machine, and the tread jerked to a stop. Dylan’s water bottle, phone, and keys dropped to the floor with a clatter, and skidded away.

Casey’s head snapped up to see Dylan staring with terror at something behind her. She spun around, ready to defend him. Then held back a laugh. It was Tamille.

“Hey,” Casey said, relaxing.

“Hey, yourself. Everything turn out okay last night, then?”

“Sure. Thanks for understanding. I hope Sensei Asuhara wasn’t too upset that I left early.”

“Nah. He’s not exactly the uptight type, as you could probably tell.”

“He wasn’t what I was expecting, that’s for sure.”

Dylan made a little whimpering sound and stayed behind Casey, his fingers clutching her upper arms so tightly she thought her circulation might cease.

She looked at her watch, then over her shoulder at him. “You done already?”

“I’m plenty warm.”

“I’d say you’re plenty hot,” Tamille said, looking him up and down.

Dylan groaned, and from what Casey could see, it was almost certainly from fear.

“Tamille,” she said, jerking her thumb over her shoulder, “this is Dylan. Dylan, Tamille.”

Dylan attempted a smile, but it looked more like someone was stepping on his toes.

“You Daisy’s little plaything?” Tamille reached over and pinched his biceps before nodding appreciatively. “Not so little, I guess.”

Dylan gave a timid laugh. “No, I’m…I’m…”

“He’s my client,” Casey said. “Personal training.”

“Mmm-hmm. Well, when you get tired of her, Dylan, honey, you come find me, you hear?”

Dylan swallowed so loudly Casey could hear it.

“Come on, Tami,” Casey said. “You’re scaring the poor guy.”

“Me? You’re the one he should be scared of. Or doesn’t he realize that?”

“I haven’t told him yet.”

Tamille narrowed her eyes as she studied Dylan’s face. “Hey, haven’t I seen you down in the bar, or somewhere? I know your face.”

“Oh, I doubt it was in the bar,” Dylan said, forcing a laugh. “It was up here, probably. I mean, I know your face, too.”

“He said you scared him off the weights one time,” Casey said.

“Oh. Sorry. I don’t know why people think I’m so terrifying.” Tamille bared her teeth in what Casey was sure was supposed to be a smile. It looked more like a tiger ready to pounce. Or devour her young.

“Um, shouldn’t we get going with my workout?” Dylan still gripped Casey’s arms. “You said you wanted to make sure to get it all in.”

Tamille crossed her arms. “You trying to get rid of me?”

Dylan made a choking sound. “No. No, not at all. You’re welcome to…to…”

Tamille slapped him Copyright 2016 - 2024