Floored - Karla Sorensen Page 0,43

to stay away.

When the bridge of my nose started tingling, it was the first warning sign that my entire playbook for this call was going to go to shit. I clenched my jaw together and took a deep breath.

"Stupid hormones," I said in a voice that wavered dangerously. And they were stupid. In my mind, I imagined my emotions like an angry ocean—white-capped waves that had stayed off in the distance until this very moment. My hand went to my belly again, and I felt calmer. It would be fine. We would be fine.

Claire: They're worried, but okay. I'm calling now.

Before I could second-guess it, I stood, darted to the cupboard, and snatched the bag of scones, shoving a piece of one in my mouth before I took my seat again. I set the sheep just beyond the laptop, where I could see the smiling black mouth. The ringing began as I swallowed my scone, and I clicked the touchpad to answer the call. At the sight of Logan and Paige, huddled close at the table where we'd eaten a million meals, I almost lost my grip.

"HI! We miss you. Are you okay?" Paige asked. Logan wrapped an arm around her shoulder and studied the screen with so much intensity that I almost laughed.

"Hi." I exhaled. "It's good to see your faces."

They exchanged a quick look. "You doing okay, kid?" Logan asked.

"I'm eating a scone in England. How can I not be okay?" I lifted the baked good in question, and Paige gave me a tiny smile, but they were not fooled by my answer.

Claire popped her head in behind Logan's shoulder. "I'm sitting over here, but I can hear you just fine."

"Why is your sister here for this?" Logan asked.

Right. Okay then.

"Logan," Claire said, "don't interrogate her. I'm here because she asked me to be."

His face gentled, which took a lot because my big brother had never been described as gentle. Ever. He was a bruiser, an iron-willed coach. The only piece of his life that received softness was us.

"You look good," Paige interjected. "I miss looking at your face."

"You could always look at Claire and pretend it's me." At my joke, her bottom lip wobbled, and her big blue eyes welled. I sighed. "Oh, Paige, don't cry, please."

She waved her hands in front of her face. "Sorry. I didn't expect it to be so hard to have one of you move away."

"I didn't move away. And Molly travels for work all the time."

"I'm a big ole hypocrite, I know." Emotions under control, Paige tucked errant strands of her red hair behind her ears and gave Logan another loaded look. "I think we're just worried. You've called, but anytime we want to see you, you find a reason you can't. So when you have your sister show up, and you're in an unfamiliar place"—she gestured to the background—"I think you can understand why we're a little caught off guard."

I sat back in my chair and rubbed my face. "I know."

"Where are you?" Logan asked.

From their vantage point, all they could see was the French doors that led from Jude's kitchen to his beautiful garden, a far cry from my tiny student's flat, which they'd seen pictures of.

"I'm at a ... friend's place."

Paige visibly fortified herself. "Lia, your brother and I love you, and no matter what it is, you need to tell us. We will still love you."

"I know you will." My hand went back to the lil raspberry again. Could it sense my nerves? I let out a slow breath to calm my racing heart.

Paige took the reins again. "And if you're scared to tell us, like ... you found someone we weren't expecting and maybe you think we'll be disappointed, we won't be. I'd love another daughter, and if that's who you love, then I will be the best girl mom in the whole world."

My head tilted. "What?"

I heard Claire clear her throat, but I couldn't tell if she was laughing or redirecting.

Logan pinched the bridge of his nose. "Paige, just let her talk."

She looked at him. "I just want her to know we love her."

"She knows. How about you let her tell us."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

Claire popped her head in the camera again. "Paige thinks you're coming out. That you're trying to tell them you have a girlfriend."

"Oh." My heart warmed impossibly at how she'd prepped for any and all news. "I'm happy to hear that you'd love me regardless, but I'm not

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