Floored - Karla Sorensen Page 0,34

other women were forced into the same situations.

Jude: Makes sense.

Me: Why are there no commercial breaks in soccer? Football. Whatever. It's not good for people who need to pee all the time.

Me: I waited as long as I could and then missed your goal. THERE SHOULD BE COMMERCIALS.

Jude: Why do you think American corporations don't push football? They can't make as much money off us because we actually let people play the game.

Me: Okay, okay, I walked into that one.

Claire: IF YOU DON'T TELL OUR FAMILY SOON, I'M GONNA LOSE MY MIND, LIA. I almost slipped today with Isabel. We were working out and I swear, if she hadn't been at work and easily distracted, she would've pushed me on it.

Me: I know. Don't yell at me.

Me: Logan and Paige will want to make me come home. And I want to finish the semester.

Claire: Le sigh. I get it. BUT COME ON. You're asking a lot of me here. I did tell Bauer, though. *hides face*

Me: I figured you would. You're a terrible liar.

Me: I'll tell them soon.

Claire: Define soon.

Me: SOON. Go make out with Bauer or something.

Claire: How are you feeling? Is Jude being nice?

Me: Tired, but good. I puked in an Oxford trash can the other day, and you should've seen the faces of the people who passed me. One called me a "drunk American" under her breath. LOL.

Me: And yes. We've just been texting this week and last. He's BUSY. Did you know football players can play 3+ matches in a week here? That's friggin’ nuts!


Me: I'm just ... learning. But it's not as bad as I thought. It's kinda hypnotizing to watch. Plus ... Have you SEEN their thighs??

Claire: No, but you sure have.


Isabel: Claire said something weird today about you not being able to do kickboxing class when you come home. Then she made her weird 'I'm hiding something' face.


Me: I'll call soon! Sorry, it's been crazy here. Love you. Mwah.

Isabel: Don't think I don't know what you're doing. Can I still come and visit before you leave? I need a reason to take a vacation.

Me: Yes. Talk soon. <3


Me: YOU ALWAYS CALL WHEN I'M BUSY. Does everyone in our family have their phone on caps lock or something?

Paige: Sorry. I miss you. I miss your voice. When are you coming home? Haven't you gotten enough knowledge yet?

Me: You have three other sisters to pester. And Emmett. Go bug them.

Paige: I love you too, L.

Me: <3

Jude: Care to come to a match this weekend?

Me: Like ... in person? In the stands with all the crazy screaming fans?

Jude: That's the general idea. I could give you a pass if you'd rather sit in a box.

Me: No way. I love the crazy screaming fans. I never wanted Logan's box passes either. Box seats are for pansies.

Jude: That a girl. I'll put the tickets under your name at the window by the main entrance. Make sure you wear blue and white; otherwise, they'll make you switch seats because they'll think you're a Bethnal Green fan. Trust me, you don't want that. They're wankers.

Me: You cannot be serious.

Jude: I would never joke about it. They don't mix home and away fans.

Me: Y'all are crazy.

Jude: I'll see you afterward.

Me: <3

Me: SHIT, sorry, didn't mean to send you a heart. I do that with my sisters and Paige and ... sorry. Awkward.

Jude: No worries.

Jude: <3 (It took me a really long time to figure out how you did that)

Chapter Eleven


"You seemed frustrated out there, Jude. What did you want more of today that you weren't getting?"

What I wanted was to smack the microphone out of my face, but I smiled at the journo. "A bit more of everything, I suppose. We were outplayed, and there's no pretty way to say that. They passed better, defended better, scored more. Makes it hard to win."

"Do you think Shepperton can pull themselves together once the break is done? Or do you need to see some changes on the roster when the transfer window opens? There's talk that management is eyeing some younger talent heading into the rest of the season."

I kept that smile pasted on my face until it hurt. "I think we've got a great team right now. We've just got to communicate better when it counts. If the management makes some changes this winter, then I trust they'll do what's best

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