Flirting with Temptation - By Kelley St. John Page 0,62

to you and trying to find out what you want me to do. Anything else, then I’ll stop being such a ninny.

She eased the putter back, then tapped it fairly hard against the side of the ball.

Hole eighteen had a big hill at the beginning (or big for this course), so she couldn’t determine where the ball went on the other side. But Paul could.

“Come here, Gert. You’ve got to see this. Hurry.”

She quickly moved around the side to peer toward the end of the tiny lane, where the hole was on the backside of yet another hill.

“Hurry, Gert, I think you did it,” Paul encouraged and she continued her trek toward the hole and got there just in time to see her ball bounce off the back edge, then veer back toward the center . . . and drop in.

Paul cheered, and she gasped. He moved toward her and wrapped an arm around her. “You did it!”

“Oh, my, I did, didn’t I?” Okay, Henry. I guess I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.

It was ten o’clock when Jeff pulled back into the White Sands parking lot after his date with Rita Kay Payne. Rita Kay had invited him to attend the Seaside Festival of the Arts with her two weeks ago, and he hadn’t wanted to break the date at the last minute, even though he hadn’t been all that into the idea of going out tonight after pulling his caveman bit with Babette this afternoon. He’d much rather have continued playing caveman, or at least spent a little time determining why he had. But instead of continuing his role as resident Neanderthal at White Sands, he’d kept his commitment and went out with Rita Kay.

Rita Kay was a former Miss Florida with an eye to make herself a Mrs., and soon. She was tall, black-haired and big-boobed, extremely obvious tonight with the way her black dress was open all the way down to her navel, with merely a few lines of rhinestones barely holding the fabric over the swells of her breasts. She definitely hadn’t purchased the dress at one of Jeff’s stores; it moved beyond elegant and straight into trashy, in his opinion.

However, every guy in the place stared at Jeff with envy. Little did they know, he didn’t want to see how easily that fabric would fall to the floor; his mind was on an oversized pale pink T-shirt with a disgruntled cat and a caption that read “Need Coffee” on the front, and the gorgeous sunburned redhead that had been wearing it a few hours ago.

He thought about this afternoon, how he’d dragged her away from Chris Langley and then gave her that ridiculous task of going two weeks without flirting.

Where had he come up with that, anyway?

Hell, he knew where he came up with it. He didn’t want to have to watch her flirting for two weeks, so he’d found a way to keep it from happening. As much. He seriously didn’t think Babette would be able to pull it off, so he ran no risk of having to talk to Kitty when this was over. But at least his challenge might keep Babette from flaunting her sexual escapades in front of his face. He didn’t like thinking about them, and he sure as hell didn’t want to see them.

And he should be having a sexual escapade of his own tonight, courtesy of Rita Kay, who would have probably done him in his car while driving down the highway, if he’d let her. He couldn’t count the number of times her hand had ventured near or across his crotch during the night. But if she did feel something substantial on those occasional brushes against his pants, it hadn’t been caused by her. He’d been semi-hard ever since seeing Babette in that itty bitty bikini, and then when she’d put on that ugly T-shirt and he’d momentarily thought she was naked underneath, he hadn’t thought of anything but getting her that way.

So he’d dropped Rita Kay off at her beach house and declined her offer to come in for a drink, then he’d driven back to White Sands with Babette, not Rita Kay, on his mind.

He entered the lobby and immediately spotted Rose standing impatiently by the elevator with a small, spiky plant cradled in her hands.

“Rose, it’s after ten. Aren’t you normally asleep by now?”

“Yes, I am, and I was, until about five minutes ago, when Babette called. She needs me.” She stared at the Copyright 2016 - 2024