Flirting with Temptation - By Kelley St. John Page 0,24

balcony door open, sounds of the beach creeping in, and the slight risk of someone catching a glimpse of the two of them making love. But he didn’t want to ruin the moment, and with Kitty, making love with the risk of getting caught wasn’t exactly what the doctor ordered.

So while she showered, he went to the bedroom, stripped out of his clothes and waited for her on the bed. Unfortunately, while his body was waiting for Kitty, his mind was recalling Babette’s detailed description of a buff and bronze.

Her hair had been short and black, not his favorite, since he preferred Babette with long, red curls, but hell, on her, short and black was sexy too. She’d entered the apartment looking like she had a secret and was dying to share. “There’s something I need you to help me with, a little problem with that buff and bronze session,” she said, crossing the threshold to the bedroom. She glanced toward the open window and inhaled the Gulf breeze filling the room and causing the drapes to flutter. Then she looked at Jeff and lifted her brows. “You want to help me?” She stepped closer, so close he could feel her breath against his neck.

“What do you need my help with?” he asked, while she unbuttoned his pants, then slid the zipper down.

She pushed them to the floor, moved her hand to his erection and gently stroked it as she spoke. “You see,” she said, “while I love the fact that I can get a perfect tan with the buff and bronze, every now and then, the women leave a smudge.”

Jeff blinked. “Women?” Smudge?

“Yeah, so I thought that maybe you could, you know, check me over and make sure I’m smudge-free,” she said with a seductive smile.

“Women?” Jeff repeated, all blood having vacated his brain and headed south.

“Yeah. That’s the way they do it, you know,” she said, taking her hand from his penis and putting both palms against his chest, then easing him back toward the bed.

“The way they do what?”

“You know, they mentioned to me today that a lot of guys are really turned on by the process, and I wanted to see if it did that for you. And then you can check me over—thoroughly—for smudges.” She moved her hands to the top button of her flaming red sundress, slid it through the hole, then pulled it open to reveal the sweet hollow between her breasts.

She slid another button free, then pulled the two halves of the dress apart to reveal her breasts, bare and beautiful. Her nipples were taut little buds, like always. Babette often joked about her small breasts, but Jeff thought they were perfect, incredibly sensitive to the touch . . . to his touch.

“So I thought I’d tell you about it. Do you want to hear?”

He nodded. What else could he do?

“They slather this sugary lotion over their hands, and then they rub it in tiny circles all over me,” she said, working on the next button. Her skin was so silky smooth that it glistened, and Jeff wanted to kiss it, touch it, lick it. Sugary lotion?

“That’s the buffing part, they move that gritty lotion all over my skin to make sure it’s as smooth as absolutely possible.” Her hands neared the button at her waist now, merely two buttons to go, and Jeff was all but drooling. “And they rub it everywhere.”

His imagination shifted into overdrive, and his mind did a rapid transition to another image, not of Babette standing before him undressing at the side of his bed but of her in a spa, with two women rubbing lotion all over her and preparing her for . . . what she was doing right now. His cock moved, and she licked her lips.

“That does turn you on, doesn’t it?” she asked, eyeing him boldly.

“Yeah, it turns me on.” He’d have to be dead not to be turned on.

She’d finally reached the last button, and she undid it, then let the dress fall to the floor. A buffed and bronzed Babette stood before him wearing nothing but lacy high-cut red panties.

“And then, they take me into the shower.”

His imagination again overpowered the current scene. “They go with you—into the shower.”

“That’s part of the treatment, making sure they rinse me clean before they apply the bronzing solution.”

He swallowed. Hard. “They rinse you?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “They run their hands all over me and rub all of the gritty lotion away.”

“O-kay.” He saw Babette Copyright 2016 - 2024