A Flighty Fake Boyfriend (Men of St. Nachos #2) - Z.A. Maxfield Page 0,49

dance. Being gay, I’ve often taken the role of unattached male. I can’t count the number of wealthy donors—men and women—I’ve quickstepped around a dance floor.”

“It’s kind of a dying art, isn’t it?”

“People are learning again because of Dancing with The Stars. I’ve noticed a real uptick in younger men and women partner dancing at events like this.”

“My sort is better at grinding.”

“Don’t remind me.” I had never done anything at all with a butt plug seated in my ass. Dancing proved to be torture…and yet. The illicit thrill of it was reflected right there in Epic’s knowing gaze.

“Feeling okay?” he asked.

“I’m so turned on right now, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.”

“I’d like to stay until they cut the cake.”

“Of course you would.”

“And they probably have those little bubble bottles so we can wish the grooms bon voyage when they leave.”

I gasped with actual horror. “You can’t possibly be suggesting we stay that long.”

“I don’t know. It’s a lovely night.”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some of it in our room.”

“Is someone anxious to get back?”

“Maybe I should see if some of Luis’s aunties would like to dance.”

“Nuh-uh. You’re all mine, Ryan Winslow.” He tightened his grip on my shoulder. “Enjoy this moment. You only lead on the dance floor.”

I laughed. “Fair enough.”

I spent the rest of the evening teaching Epic how to follow my lead. When the DJ started, we threw off our jackets and reclaimed the floor to grind and tease each other until the cake was cut and the happy couple said their goodbyes.

I went to the bathroom to piss and splash some water on my hot face. Epic followed. He stood behind me at the sink, crowding me against the marble.

“How thirsty are you for my cock right now.”

“Jesus,” I managed, mouth suddenly dry.

He pressed against me, cock thick and hot in those tight suit pants. “Ready to go yet?”

“Beyond ready.”

“Then come on.” He bumped the air dryer with his elbow and held up my damp hands, rubbing them between his. “All done.”

I stared at his mouth. “Okay.”

He kissed my throat. “Do you need to say good night to anyone?”

“No.” I doubted anyone actually cared I was there, much less if I’d left. We got our jackets and said goodbye to the few people we'd talked to earlier.

Epic took my hand and led me back across the resort grounds. Here and there, guests chatted in small groups. They took advantage of the comfortable patio seating and the resort’s many fire pits to drink and reminisce and gaze at stars.

A few said hello, but I couldn’t say who they were.

The only thing on my mind at that moment was Epic and how he looked windblown and wild, jacket slung over one shoulder. His grip on my hand felt firm and sure. He didn’t need to read the many signs to know the way.

It was Epic who opened the door to our suite. Epic who ushered me inside like a man on a mission. He helped me out of my jacket and tie and slipped my shirt off my shoulders. While he worked on my clothing, I made my way into his. I toed off my shoes while he unbuckled my trousers, and then I was naked, aching with need built up over what seemed like days.

He pushed me into the bathroom and stood behind me again, eyes on mine in the mirror.

“What do you see?” he asked me.


“Mm.” He tapped on the butt plug. “Who is ‘us’?”

“You and me.”

“How do you feel, Ryan?”


“You thirsty for my cock?” He wrapped his hand around my throat with just enough pressure to be noticeable but not enough to choke. “You want my cock in your ass?”

I shuddered all over. “I’m gasping for it.”

“Ask me.”

“Please, Epic. Give me your cock.”

His fingers slid between my ass cheeks and whatever he did with the plug sent a wave of pleasure through my body. “Ready for this to come out?”

“Only if you promise you'll fill me with your dick.” My knees buckled, and I gripped the sink to stay upright.

“Ready for me to fuck you?” he asked.

“Yes,” I begged. “Yes, please fuck me.”

I braced myself on the counter while foil rustled and lube slurped behind me, and then he pulled the plug out and pushed his cock inside me in one long, slow move.

“Ah God, Epic…” I gasped. “Oh God. Yes.”

“You like this?” he asked. “You like my fat cock in your ass, Ryan?”

“Yes.” I didn't take my eyes off his.

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