A Flighty Fake Boyfriend (Men of St. Nachos #2) - Z.A. Maxfield Page 0,47

treated so gently—so carefully—by anyone but my mom.

He left the plug inside me.

I had to give him props. There seemed no better way to say fuck you to Luis than to be wearing Epic’s plug, thinking of Epic’s gentle fingers, dreaming of his sweet mouth on my cock while I suffered through Luis’s nuptials.

The only problem was my constant state of arousal. The cut of my jacket would hide it, but I had no illusions about what it would mean to traverse a receiving line that included European nobility with a boner.

“I am so going to hell for this.”

“I’ll be right beside you.” Epic kissed my neck and ruffled my hair with a towel. “It’s okay if I wear my earrings, right?”

“Of course.”

“You’ll wear your pin?”

“I already put it on my lapel.”

The rest of our preparations passed by in a flurry of warmth and kisses and Epic everywhere. I dressed in a lust-drunk haze.

For the first time in my adult life, I had to rely on someone else for every little thing. Helplessness made me uncomfortable, and yet…this felt bearable. I’d gone long past needing to come and arrived somewhere entirely new—down a rabbit hole of Epic’s making.

I trusted Epic to take care of me at Luis’s wedding.

The rest of my worries simply dropped away.

We shaved side by side. Combined products and styled our hair. I spritzed on cologne, and he used his own scent. We spent ten minutes telling each other how delicious we smelled.

I tied both our ties, having a better command of the Windsor knot.

Epic’s retro tuxedo turned out to be a sixties mod, four-button, black wool jacket with black velvet piping around the collar and lapels. Underneath, he wore a notch-collar waistcoat that came up all the way to the knot of his tie. Impossibly slim trousers stopped above his bare ankles. He completed the look with patent leather oxfords.

“You look like a Beatle.”

“Grandma bought it for me. She says the mod boys used to make her swoon.”

Same, Grandma. Same…

After we fussed and preened and took selfies—which he sent to all his friends and I stored like some demented squirrel hoarding acorns for a long, cold winter—we were ready to leave. At the last minute, he remembered our sunglasses. He set mine on my nose with care.

“Are you still feeling a little spacey?” he asked.

I nodded. “Is that normal?”

“I think I played with you a little too hard for your first time.”

"You think?" His worried frown made me want to reassure him. Kiss him. Smack his ass for putting me in this position.

“I want you to know I’ll be right by your side. I know what you need. Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” Unequivocally. I trusted Epic with a certainty I'd never known before.

He handed me a bottled water. “Drink some on the way.”

"Thank you."

He took my hand as we let ourselves out of the suite. The wedding invitation contained a map leading to the Mariposa Garden where the ceremony would take place. After, there would be dinner and dancing under the stars.

We were halfway there before I remembered to worry about wearing a butt plug. For the first time since I’d received the invitation in the mail, I didn’t dread the wedding itself.

Epic pulled me along with confidence I didn’t feel. His step was jaunty. He wore a dazzling smile. At the venue, the sunset had begun in spectacular style. The moon hung on one side of the wide watercolor sky while the sun seemed to balance it on the other.

It took me a minute to realize the unusual configuration was due to a selenelion—an event where both the sun and moon could be seen above the horizon during a lunar eclipse.

I'd wondered why Luis and William had scheduled their wedding for a Sunday. Only Luis would rope in celestial bodies for a command performance like this.

Luis and William were getting their once-in-a-lifetime wedding.

I wanted to hide the tears stinging my eyes—to pass my weakness off to the bright dazzle of the setting sun. But Epic had torn me open in a hundred physical and emotional ways. All my pent-up emotions surfaced and there was no hiding them anymore, especially not from myself.

The dream of a partnership or marriage with Luis was one I’d held close to my heart for so long. What Luis and I once had, had died out, but I’d never let the dream go.

Now, here was its funeral, under a glorious sky complete with a celestial anomaly.

I could be happy for Luis.

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