Flawed (Triple Canopy #2) - Riley Edwards Page 0,62

should’ve done the day I left for boot camp but didn’t because I loved my mother. That was, the mom she was when her husband wasn’t around.

And Addy was there to witness their bullshit. My family was a far cry from hers.

With all of that on my mind, Jason stopped beside me.

“Not a good time,” I warned.

It would become apparent Jason gave zero fucks when he turned fully to me, took in the rifle in my hands, and launched in.

“Have a lot of shit on my mind. Mercy’s having a rough pregnancy, still not a reason for me being a dick. Bottom line is, I was way out of line yesterday and I know it.”

“This is a conversation you need to have with Adalynn,” I returned.

I felt bad that Mercy was having a rough go of it. I’d only met her a few times, but what little I knew about her, I liked.

“Plan on it. But I needed to get straight with you first.”

Jesus. I didn’t want to rehash his thoughts on me dating his sister.

“Heard you loud and clear, Jason, so there’s nothing to get straight.”

“I think—”

“Then you’re thinking wrong,” I cut him off. “The only person you need to talk to is Adalynn. You weren’t a dick to me, you were a fucking asshole to her. You embarrassed her and hurt her feelings. As you pointed out, she’ll forgive you, so you should see to that.”


“Do not call me that. I’m not your brother. I’m your employee. That’s all I am and you made that crystal clear. And as such, I’m asking you as my boss, not to bring my personal life to my workplace.”

“Your personal life? You mean my family.”

“Yeah, that’s what I meant. I didn’t miss your disapproval, I didn’t miss your dad’s. And likely today I won’t miss Nick’s and Carter’s. And when I see them, I won’t miss the rest of your family’s either. But what you got to get is, for me, I’m used to the disappointment and censure aimed my way. I know who I am and what kind of man I am, so I don’t give a rat’s ass what others think of me. However, I do care what Addy thinks, and I really care how she feels. So you all want to give me the cold shoulder, throw shade, give me shit—bring it. But you better learn real quick to hide that in front of Addy. None of this touches her. You wanna fire me because I’m dating your sister—do it. I’ll find another job. What I won’t do, is give her up.”

“You’d walk away from Triple Canopy? From your brothers? Even Matt and Logan who only left the Navy to follow you?”

“In a heartbeat,” I returned.

Jason shook his head. He crossed his arms. But what he didn’t do was leave.

“I’m not being a dick, but I got work, Jason. Was there something else?”

“Belview’s records are on your desk. Ninety percent of it is bullshit. My dad put in some calls and we’re waiting to hear back. Nick went to the café and interviewed the manager. There’s surveillance footage. It’s being sent over this afternoon.”

“The record isn’t surprising, but it will be interesting what’s been left out.”

“Send you a text when we have the surveillance.”

“’Preciate it.”

I dipped my chin to indicate the conversation was over and to punctuate this non-verbal communication, I turned back to the long, open stretch of land that served as the rifle range.

Apparently, Jason didn’t catch the hint. Either that or he chose to ignore it. Knowing Jason, it was the latter, which made it more annoying when he said, “We’re gonna have to talk about you and Addy.”

“There’s nothing to say.”

“There is, Trey, and you fucking know it.”

I set the AR down on the bench and stepped away, both from the rifle and the man.

“Tell me, Jason, in the last twenty-four hours, you suddenly have a change of heart and have decided to welcome me into your family?”

I didn’t mask my anger or my sarcasm. Neither did Jason when he returned in kind.

“You suddenly wake up and figure out that my sister isn’t strong enough to survive the pain you’ll leave?”

That pissed me right the fuck off for so many reasons I was afraid my head was going to explode.

“You don’t have the first clue.” I snatched my shit off the bench including my rifle, dropped the mag, pointed it downrange, and cleared the chamber. When that was done, I slung it over my shoulder

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