Flawed (Triple Canopy #2) - Riley Edwards Page 0,39

we needed to have, suck.

“Bathroom’s through there.” I pointed to the door. “I’m gonna go down and get your bag. You can change. After that, your choice, we can talk up here, on the couch, or out by the pool.”

“You should’ve told me you had a pool. I would’ve brought a suit.”

Visions of Addy in the yellow bikini I saw her wear last summer assaulted my mind. The image so vivid, I remembered down to the minutest of details how the bottoms had sat low on her hips, how the triangle top had teased me all afternoon. I felt my cock stiffen the same way it had that day when I fought the need to take her somewhere private and slide the material to the side while leaving it tied around her neck.


“The yellow one,” I demanded.


“Tomorrow, we’re going to your house so you can get your yellow bikini.”


“The one you wore at your Uncle Lenox’s.”

“You remember what color my bathing suit was?” Her pretty eyes widened.

“Baby, that suit is burned into my memory. I hope to God I don’t lose my mind when I’m an old man because I want you in that yellow bikini to be the last thing I see while I slip from this life.”

With that, I turned and left a gawking Addy standing in my room. We had things to talk about, and if I didn’t hurry and wrangle my cock into submission, there would be no discussions. I’d have her bent over my bed, balls deep, not thinking about bathing suits, what her father would do to me when he found out I was in love with his daughter, or Jake Belview—the motherfucker wouldn’t be a thought. And that would be a mistake. I had to stay sharp and keep Addy safe.

I checked the doors, set the alarm in case Addy wanted to have our talk in my bed and I wouldn’t have to leave her again to come back down and arm it. I grabbed her heavy-ass bag and started the trek back through a monstrous house that was not a home. I used this time—and there was a lot of it—to get my head straight. She needed to understand where I was at, where I knew her family would be at, and how we were going to proceed.

How I was going to accomplish all of that with Addy in my bed, I wasn’t sure.

Heaven and hell.

I wasn’t sure how I could be in both at the same time but I was. After Addy changed, she couldn’t hide her yawn so I made the decision for her and opted for our talk to happen in my bed. With her in a pair of cotton sleep shorts and a tight tank-top thing that I was sure had a specific name, but since I had a dick I didn’t have the first clue and truthfully didn’t care to know what it was called. I had two eyes and 20/20 vision so even if she wasn’t cuddled to my side, I wouldn’t have missed she’d taken off her bra, and the thin elastic digging into the flesh of her shoulders was working overtime keeping her full breasts contained. The color was pinkish, though Addy would likely call the shade some specific name that, again, me having a dick prevented me from knowing. Though, the way the hue complemented her skin tone was not missed.

So, I was in heaven and hell at the same time and I’d put myself there. And the fuck of it was, I’d take this kind of hell every day of the week and twice on Sunday if it meant I had Addy at my side. Just like this. Her tucked to my side, her head resting on my shoulder, our legs tangled together, and her arm heavy across my stomach. She was stiff as a board, unsure, uncoordinated, and I would absolutely, without a doubt, take this over some overtly sexed-up woman making a grab for my cock. Addy was hesitant about what to do, where to put her hands, her legs, and I’d had to arrange her to the position we were currently in or she would’ve been on the other side of the bed making sure no inch of her body touched mine.

“Know you’re tired, babe, but we hafta talk about a few things that are gonna happen tomorrow.”

“Oh-kay,” she said on an exhale. And if it was possible, her body grew stiffer.


“Not sure I can. You’re scaring me.”

“You’ve got

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