Flawed (Triple Canopy #2) - Riley Edwards Page 0,21

my gaze went from Trey’s semi-erect dick to my sister.

She was stumbling back, her arms wheeling, trying to catch her balance.

“Fuck,” Trey clipped while at the same time tried to untangle his jeans.

In my quest to block Hadley’s view, I tossed the covers back, not caring I was naked, too. It wasn’t like my sister hadn’t seen me naked. But it was then and in the subsequent moments when I truly understood what the word ‘mortified’ meant.

That was because the moment my feet touched the floor, Brady appeared—at my bedroom door—while I was naked.


I was naked as a jaybird with nothing close to cover myself with, and my sister’s fiancé was standing in front of me.

“Jesus Christ.”

So what did Trey do?

He dropped his useless jeans, straightened, and shoved me behind him. This I knew was a gallant effort to save my modesty. However, it left him fully exposed to my sister, who was now chanting “you’re naked” coupled with “he’s naked” and she added an “ohmigod” to that before Brady growled, “Close your eyes.”

To which my sister responded with, “Ohmigod, they were doing the nasty.”

This was said with humor. Brady didn’t find the situation humorous and I knew this not because I could see him, but because there was no mistaking his tone when he repeated, “Woman, close your eyes.”

Obviously, Trey didn’t find anything funny. After all, it was his pecker standing at half-mast—or maybe since the commotion had started it was now flaccid—either way Hadley had gotten an eyeful.

“Shut the door,” Trey barked and I jumped.

His hand went to my hip to stay my position.

As if I would move.

I heard the door slam and Trey’s back muscles relaxed a skoosh and he shook his head.

“Did that just happen?”

“Yeah, baby, it did.”

“My sister and her fiancé just walked in and saw us?” I asked, seeking clarification. “I wasn’t hallucinating? Say, from an orgasm-induced haze where I imagined Brady standing in the doorway seeing my boobs and…other parts.”

“Orgasm-induced haze?” He chuckled.

“Well, I don’t know. I’ve never had an orgasm before. I was hoping that they came with side effects like: hallucinations, hot flashes, maybe paranoia, and delusions.”


Trey started to turn and I pressed deeper into his back, not wanting to face him. Partly because I knew my face was flaming red. I was completely nude, and while we were in bed I didn’t seem to have an issue with this, but standing in front of him I was now shy.

The other part was because I was enjoying the feel of his massive body shaking against mine.

“Adalynn,” he called.


“Baby, let go?”

“No way.”

“The door’s closed.”

Too late. It was way too late to care about the door. Hadley had seen what she’d seen. Brady had seen what he’d seen. And they knew what they knew.

“Oh my God, they know.”

“Baby.” He laughed.

Not chuckled. Not snickered. A straight-out, gut-busting rumble. Loud, gruff, and for a long time.

When it finally died down, he said, “You’re killing me.”

“I wish someone would kill me,” I muttered. “I don’t ever want to see Brady again. And I don’t care if that makes me sound like an immature idiot. He saw my boobs, Trey.”

“And Hadley got a nice full frontal of my cock.”


“We need to get dressed,” he reminded me.

We did, we totally needed to get dressed. Then I could crawl out my bedroom window and run away. Maybe Trey would go with me and we could hole up at a hotel or catch a flight to the Bahamas. Yes, the beach sounded wonderful. Sand and surf and fruity drinks on a beach full of strangers who had not seen me naked.

I was so lost in my misery I missed Trey turning to face me. But I didn’t miss him slide his hands up the sides of my neck and thread his fingers into my hair.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he told me.


“Addy, your sister barged into your house uninvited and unannounced. Brady should’ve seriously known better. They saw what they saw. It’s done and over.”

“Hadley’s always invited.” I defended my sister. “Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine she’d walk into…you know…what was going on.”

“And what was going on?” He smirked.

“Don’t be a jerk.”

“I’m not, baby, I just like seeing your cheeks turn pink.”

“That’s you being a jerk.”

“No. That’s me being a man who loves knowing that when I get you in bed you burn hot, but out of it, you blush. You’re bashful and shy and sweet. That’s what everyone sees. But you’re also wild and

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