Flawed (Triple Canopy #2) - Riley Edwards


“Addy, I am not doing yoga,” Trey griped.

“Starting next week, we’re adding yoga,” I returned.

“That’s not happening.”

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling and counted to five.

I should’ve counted to twenty and prayed for divine intervention.

Trey Durum had worked my last nerve and he’d only been on the mat for ten minutes out of his sixty-minute physical therapy session.

I gave up on the yoga argument and not-so-nicely ordered, “Stop talking and tighten your glutes and straighten your leg.”

“Woman, I’m clenching my ass so tight I could crack a peanut.”

“Not good enough. Think walnut and keep your leg straight.”

I did my best to ignore Trey’s growl of frustration, something that was getting harder and harder to do as the months slid by. A sound that sent shivers down my spine and made me curious if he made that noise while he was doing other things…naughty things. Things that I couldn’t begin to imagine because a man like Trey was so far out of my league it wasn’t even funny. My sexual experience paled in comparison to his and consisted of two partners and two positions—top and bottom.

“You’re the devil,” he groaned. “You have everyone snowed. They all think Adalynn Walker is a sweet angel.”

“I am an angel,” I retorted.

And that was the unfortunate truth. The reason why a man like Trey would never look twice at me. Why I was in my mid-twenties and I’d never had an orgasm, not even self-induced. I was the pathetic, shy twin. I was the little sister to three beautiful, outgoing, loud sisters. It was funny how Hadley and I were identical, yet she turned heads and I never had. When we walked into a room, I received a cursory glance, people did a double-take only because there were two of us, but it was Hadley everyone gravitated to.

Being the good one in the family had its perks. My dad was hugely protective—over-the-top insane with it. In other words, overbearing in a loving way, but he lorded over my sisters. I flew under his radar, so the few times I had broken the rules I hadn’t been caught. But that also meant my life was boring with a capital B and two exclamation points to punctuate just how boring I was.

“And I am sweet to people I like,” I added.

That wasn’t the truth, I was pretty much sweet to everyone, even people who were jerks. There was enough negativity in the world without me adding to it.

“So what you’re saying is you don’t like me.”

“Has anyone ever told you, you whine a lot?” I inquired. “Slowly lower your hips back to the mat and keep your—”

“Ass cheeks tight. I know.”


“You gotta problem with me saying ass cheeks, Addy?”

Yes. Yes, I did.

I had a huge issue keeping my mind where it needed to be. Trey was my patient. I was his physical therapist. I didn’t need to be thinking about his ass cheeks any more than I already did. I needed to be concentrating on rehabbing his leg, not falling in lust with a man who irritated the holy crap out of me. I didn’t need to be fantasizing about what his muscular ass would feel like under my hands.

Glutes—not ass cheeks.

Was my face red? It felt red. No, it felt hot. Gah. I needed to stop thinking about his ass cheeks.

What the heck was wrong with me?

What exercise were we on? Gluteal. Yes, I needed him to finish the set and get him off the mat before I crawled on top of him like a crazy person in need of a happy ending.

“Hello? Earth to Addy.”

“I’m not one of your bimbos,” I snapped.

“Come again?”

“I said, I’m not one of your bimbos, Trey. You can drop the flirtatious grins and overdone charm.”

His eyes narrowed to slits. He settled his butt on the mat and bent both of his legs so his feet were planted on the foam before he rolled up to a sitting position. I was on my knees next to him so the change brought us face-to-face.

“Tell me, Adalynn, when have I ever treated you like a bimbo?”

I couldn’t think of a single situation where he had, so I remained silent.

“That’s what I thought,” he unhappily retorted.

“I was out of line,” I admitted. “Sorry.”

“What gives?”


“Yeah, Addy. What the fuck?”

“What the frick, what?”

“Known you awhile now. Sweet as sugar to everyone but me. I come around and suddenly you have a stick up your ass and a dirty look on your face. I’ve thought on it

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