Flawed Heart: House Of Obsidian - Bella Jewel Page 0,37

turn to step up. I always thought football would be my life, but after I met Belle, things just changed. I don’t regret not going down that path, but I never saw myself working a club, either.

“Always, sir.” I grin, staring over at Belle who is laughing with her mother, head tipped back, looking so fucking radiant.

“How’s work going?”

“I’m taking over the club after the summer ends. At the moment, I’m using the money my dad left to get it renovated, trying to give it a newer look, make it my own, you know?”

“You don’t sound too happy about that.”

I turn to him so my back is to the women. “It’s not really the path I thought I’d be going down, but it’s been in my family for a few generations. I don’t think I’ve got what it takes to part with it.”

“You always wanted to be a football star. Why did you decide against that? You always knew the business was the family, but you still chose that path.”

I shrug, sipping my beer. “I met Belle, and suddenly that life just wasn’t what I wanted.”

“You had talent, son. It mustn’t have been easy to give that up.”

“No, but she’s worth so much more.”

“Do you think you’ll ever regret that?” he asks seriously.

“Regret giving up something to gain something better? Fucking never.”

He smiles, one that reaches his eyes. “Tell me about your plans for the club.”

I spend the next hour telling him what I plan on doing with the House Of Obsidian.

What I don’t tell him is that the plans I have for his daughter are so much bigger.

There’s only one life I want with her, and that’s a fucking beautiful one.




My heart races as I enter the underground area of the House Of Obsidian. People are roaring, feet are stamping, and money is being waved around. I don’t really like being down here, but I need to see him. The girl at the bar said he was fighting tonight. I know Max fights, but I’ve not seen it, and the very idea terrifies me. I don’t know how I’ll handle seeing that side of him, but I’m not backing down now.

I push through the crowd until I reach the fighting ring. I can’t see anyone there, so I look left and right, adjusting my short black dress as I scan the crowd. I notice Max near a back door, talking with two men. They all open it and step in, and I know this is my only chance. I shove past drunken, raving people until I reach the door. I test the handle and it’s open, so I push it open and step inside.

I enter a locker style room, where the three men are all talking amongst themselves. When they hear the sounds of the club flow in, they all turn and look in my direction. Max’s eyes find me first and I give a weak, pathetic smile. His eyes flash with anger and he orders the men out with a grunted command. When they’re gone, he immediately spits angry words at me. “What the fuck are you doing here, Anabelle?”


His use of my full name hurts, because it’s something he’s never called me. It’s always Ana, or Belle, or Blue Belle. Never Anabelle. I cross my arms and look at my feet, not sure how to answer without making things worse. I have so much I want to express to him, but I don’t know how to form the words.

“I wanted to talk to you after the other night,” I say.

“I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

I take a deep breath to cam myself. “We have a daughter, Max, and for her sake we need to do this, don’t you think?”

He crosses his big arms. “Oh, you think it’s acceptable now? You think you can just barge in and demand that I work this out for the sake of her, when you’ve never even fucking told me about her?”

“And I made a mistake.” I try so hard to keep my calm. “I’m not saying I didn’t, but we can’t keep . . .”

“Keep what? Dancing around the truth? You haven’t wanted to fucking speak to me, but now you expect me to just drop it all and listen to you? It doesn’t work like that. I’m not giving you a fucking thing until I’m ready to give it.”

“Jesus, Max,” I cry. “I said I was wrong, I can admit that, but this fucking game is just child’s

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