Flawed Heart: House Of Obsidian - Bella Jewel Page 0,30

look hot, and I’m about to show Demi that she will never fucking win. I take Belle’s hand, pulling her out of the stall. Tatters of dress drag behind her, and her cheeks are red, but she follows me.

I ignore all the stares.

I lead her out into the main ballroom and straight up onto the stage. Everyone stops talking suddenly, and whispers spread out through the crowd. I take the microphone and step forward. “As many of you know, I’ve been seeing this beautiful girl behind me for a few months now. It appears my ex bitch can’t get it through her head, that I’m done with her ass. So, like the coward she is, she’s been torturing my woman. No longer. You all know me. You all know what I stand for. If you choose to support that ugly, cold-hearted woman, then you will no longer be apart of my world. Because this girl,” I pull Belle into my side. “Is every fucking thing to me, and the next person who bothers her, will answer to me personally. Now, I’m going to take her onto the dance floor, because even in tatters, she’s fifty times the fucking person than the selfish, ugly, cold hearted cow that did this to her.”

Demi’s face is bright red and people are glaring at her. She makes a huffing sound and storms out of the building, her minions trailing behind her.

I tug Belle’s hand and take her down the stairs and onto the dance floor. People make room for us. No one will make her feel like she doesn’t belong here. Never again. I put my hands on her hips and encourage hers around my neck. She’s staring around the room, her face red, her eyes panicked. I take her chin and make her meet my eyes.

“Don’t look at them, look only at me.”

“I look awful, Max. They’re staring.”

“Let them stare,” I say. “But I won’t let you be run out by a bitter cow who can’t stand that you have what she doesn’t.”

“I look...horrible,” she whispers, her eyes glistening.

“No, you look more beautiful than I’ve ever seen you. There’s never a time when you’ll ever be anything but beautiful to me, Blue Belle. Let them stare, let them think what they will, but my girl is getting this dance, because she deserves it.”

A tear trickles down her cheek. “What did I do to deserve you?”

I smile. “You were born, Blue Belle. That was the best gift ever presented to this world.”

She smiles. Beautiful. Real.

I think I just fell in love.


Fuck she looks so beautiful below me, her blue eyes staring up. I’ve been dating Belle for more than six months now, and it’s been fucking incredible. Every time her hands are on me, or mine are on her, it just seems fucking perfect. Tonight is the first time she’s letting me make love to her, and I’m glad to have waited. All the other girls I’ve been with just want a quick fuck, but Belle respected herself enough to wait.

And it’s been an incredible wait.

We’ve done everything else but fuck, and God the girl can work her hands and her mouth. Maybe it’s because I actually want those parts of her on my dick, or maybe she’s just a natural—either way, fooling around with her has been pretty fucking special. But tonight, tonight she decided she wanted more. So I brought her here to my favorite spot, and after eating and laughing, we started making out.

Now I’m on top of her, and fuck it’s hard to think about anything else.

“Max, I’m scared,” she whispers, looking up at me from the blanket she’s lying on in the back of my truck.

It’s a clear night and the stars are twinkling above us. We’re at my favorite lake, in a secluded spot only a few people seem to know about. It’s always quiet and there are rarely people around. If they do happen to come this way, you can hear them approach in time to make sure you’re decent, so Belle and I are safe and no one will bother us without our knowledge.

“Don’t be scared, Blue Belle,” I murmur, cupping her face. “I won’t hurt you. We’ll go slow.”

She nods, biting her lip.

I lean down, kissing her softly. The kiss is exactly what she needs to loosen up, because her body slowly relaxes beneath mine. I kiss her until she’s panting and her fingers are roaming my arms. Then I gently lift her shirt up

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