Fix It Up - Mary Calmes Page 0,110

the county prosecutor.”

“Yeah, but they didn’t get it yet, so they have no idea that’s coming.”

“Which is why—oh, I see.”

“They still think it’s only a fraud and animal cruelty case.”

“Which I get, but still, because of the fraud and the conspiracy to commit fraud, my father wouldn’t have the horse farm anymore anyway.”

The sad part was that the animal cruelty was sort of par for the course in horse racing. Horses were drugged so they wouldn’t feel pain, were neglected, exploited, and treated like a commodity, not an animal to be treasured. A conviction on abusing his horses would have given Sterling Madison a fine, perhaps even a short stint in jail, as the charges were egregious, but it wasn’t why he was losing his farm and being banned from the sport of horse racing. That was because he’d defrauded other breeders, and for no other reason.

“Which is what you wanted, and what he deserves.”

Nick leaned into me then, arms wrapped around my waist as he sighed deeply. “And you’re so mad that they came out here to talk to me about this you’re out here pacing.”

“You realize that all these people see you hugging me now.”

“Well, so you know, I just announced up on stage that I was marrying you, and everyone cheered, so I’m not really worried about that being an issue.”

“Yeah, okay, good,” I agreed, deflating all at once, my anger rushing out of me like a balloon losing air as I enfolded Nick against me, crushing him to my chest.

“You were so mad,” he whispered, smiling as he nuzzled his face into the side of my neck. “And all for me. You’re so protective, do you know this about yourself?”

I grunted.

“Why, though? Why so protective?”

“Really? You need to hear it again?”

He chuckled, and it was low and seductive. “Yes, baby, tell me again.”

“You know I love you,” I groused at him.

“Why do I love that you’re annoyed?” he purred, inhaling deeply. “Come sit by the stage so I can see you. This whole Dez thing will make me homicidal.”

I was about to agree when I glanced back at Gene and Dez, saw that they were both closer to Danielle now, noted how hard Beth was crying, and saw Alan lift a gun at the same time and level it at Nick.

“No,” I roared, hurling the guy I loved down onto the grass and dropping down over him, shielding him with my body, making sure no part of his head or back was exposed.

“Loc!” Nick screamed under me, the sound muffled by the ground but still breaking me, filling me with terror and rage, because he’d been playful and teasing the moment before, but now his voice was a high-pitched wail.

Lifting my head, I saw one deputy hit Alan from behind, pile-driving him face-first into the grass and dirt as another wrestled the weapon from his hand. Teamwork was a beautiful thing, and I was impressed how fast they had Alan disarmed.

“Thank God,” I mumbled, rolling off of Nick and lying there for a moment, staring up at the stars.

“Loc!” Nick screamed. It was loud, as close as he was, and his hands were everywhere at once, fluttering over my head, chest, and abdomen before he took hold of my face.

“Nick,” I soothed him, my voice calm, coaxing. “Honey, I’m fine.”

“The fuck was that?” he yelled at me.

“Bodyguard mode,” I said dramatically, waggling my eyebrows at him. “It’s hot, right?”

He was trembling as he stared at me.

“No? Not hot?”

He started panting, and I realized instantly that he was on the verge of hyperventilating.

“Okay,” I whispered, sitting up and leaning in close to hug him.

I was aware that around us was bedlam, but it didn’t seem to matter; Nick and I were in our own little world. When others tried to move in, I waved them back. We were both unscathed and I could take care of Nick myself.

Leaning back, realizing comfort itself wasn’t enough, I gave him an order. “Close your mouth for me and breathe through your nose.”

But he was panicking and gasping for breath.

“Look at me,” I husked, and as his gaze met mine, I made him close his mouth again. “Now, slow in and slow out.”

He parted his lips just a bit, but I closed them again, stroking his hair back from his face, kissing his forehead.

“Slow in and slow out, c’mon, honey, you can do it.”

It took long minutes of me holding his jaw shut, closing off alternating nostrils, and then pressing my Copyright 2016 - 2024