Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,9

I’m sure Nell will send Dawson in with some tea for us shortly.’ As they sat, she explained, ‘I didn’t want you to worry unnecessarily. Last night, I had some tightness in my chest and I was breathless so Dawson called an ambulance.’

‘I’m glad he did!’

‘They all take care of me,’ she agreed. ‘Anyway, it was only late this morning I got the results back, but I’ll be as right as rain once I have this surgical procedure.’

‘You need to be admitted as soon as possible.’

‘I promise I will be as soon as you and Connor have done as I ask.’

‘Violet, you know I love you but this is crazy.’ Mia ran her hands down over her face. ‘Why have you insisted we go out together?’

The elderly lady closed her eyes for a moment and let out a long breath. ‘This heart problem is easily fixed but none of us know how much time we have left. I should’ve got you and Connor together years ago.’

‘Wrong. I’m nothing like the women he dates.’

‘You’re exactly the type of young woman he should be dating.’

‘What are you hoping to achieve? Do you really think we’re going to fall for each other?’

‘Why wouldn’t you?’

‘Oh, for—’

‘Look me in the eye, Mia, and tell me you don’t think Connor’s a handsome young man.’

‘Yes, he’s good looking but—’

‘Don’t think I haven’t noticed how hard you try to look disinterested when I mention his name.’

And Mia thought she’d hidden her crush!

‘I don’t blame you,’ Violet continued. ‘You’d have to be indifferent to men not to be attracted to him—he’s very like Archibald was at that age. Very debonair.’

Mia rolled her eyes. ‘Perhaps, but—’ ‘I’m doing you both a favour,’ Violet insisted.

Mia imagined the fireworks that’d taken place between grandmother and grandson earlier when they were having this same conversation. Both were equally strong-willed.

‘You know very well that Connor and I have nothing in common apart from shared concern for your welfare—and you shouldn’t be exploiting our love for you.’

‘Rubbish! You have plenty in common. You’re both bright, educated young people.’


‘You both play tennis.’

‘Really?’ It was laughable. ‘I’ve only been taking lessons for a month. I can barely hit a serve in.’

Mia’s protest fell on deaf ears.

‘You both enjoy travelling, theatre, good food and wine.’ Violet raised her fingers as she listed each point, but it was very telling that she ran out of points before she had to use her other hand. ‘I’m sure you’ll find you have a lot more in common once you get to know each other.’

‘Millions of people like those things, but it doesn’t mean they’d be a romantic match. And now—thanks to you—he’s under the impression I’ve put you up to this.’

Violet scoffed. ‘He said as much to me and I told him he’s way off-base.’

‘He doesn’t believe you. He accused me of being your friend with the sole objective of getting to know him. Then, when he finally seemed to get the message that I don’t want to go out with him, he accused me of trying to be named in your will!’

Violet’s lips twitched. ‘Yes, well, he can be rather cynical.’

‘Cynical? He’s not just cynical. He’s incredibly arrogant.’

‘People have tried to take advantage of him before and now he’s wary.’

‘Don’t make excuses for him.’ She started fuming all over again. ‘He harassed me at work! Any other employee might’ve seriously considered making a formal complaint.’

‘It’s only because he’s so protective of me.’ She hung her head a little. ‘I provoked him and he went off like Vesuvius. I was worried he might lash out at you because he feels like I’ve pinned him into a corner.’

‘Well, thanks for the warning!’ Tilting her head to one side she asked, ‘Why did you do it?’

‘Because I’m worried about him.’ She took Mia’s hands in hers and patted them. ‘He’s a strong, capable young man who’s been incredibly hurt and is unwilling to take a chance again on love. I felt it was past time to point him in the right direction.’

‘I’m the wrong direction.’ Mia wondered about Connor’s ex-wife. She remembered Violet had been worried about the match and had never liked the woman. Although Violet had never confided in her about the reason the marriage had ended, it’d apparently blow up in spectacular fashion after only a few months.

‘He has a heart of gold and he’s definitely worthy of you my dear.’

Mia made a sound of annoyance. ‘You obviously don’t like me as much as I thought. Besides, he told me—very Copyright 2016 - 2024