Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,70

Grace.’ Time had dragged—especially since lunch when he’d started looking at his watch every few minutes, impatient to see Mia.

‘Will Mia Simms be there?’ Grace asked.

For a second he thought he must’ve spoken his thoughts aloud.

‘I expect so.’ Hoping he’d injected the right degree of casual indifference into his voice he looked back at his assistant. ‘Why?’

‘I was going to phone her, but I got caught up with a few things and she’s probably already on her way to the meeting. Would you pass on a message for me?’

‘Of course.’ His curiosity was piqued.

‘Tell her not to worry about her watch. I got a call from a man who’s found it and he’s going to forward it here to the office for her.’ Grace smiled. ‘Nice to know there are still some honest people in the world.’

‘Her watch?’ Apprehension pricked along his shoulders. Mia hadn’t been wearing a watch when they were away. Was it because she’d already lost it? Hang on… ‘Grace, why did the man call you?’

‘Oh, he said the woman who’d had dinner with you in Venice had dropped her watch on the floor and that he’d only noticed it after you’d both left the restaurant. He said the name “Mia” was engraved on the back of it and he was hoping I’d know of the lady and have her address so he could get the watch to her.’

Shit. ‘What did you tell him?’

She frowned and Connor realised he hadn’t been able to keep the urgency from his voice. ‘I said it would be Mia Simms from our marketing department, and he could send the watch here.’

Connor bit down on the curse that threatened to burst from his lips. ‘Did he give his name?’

‘No. He wasn’t ringing regarding anything to do with our office, so I didn’t think to ask.’ She shrugged. ‘He sounded American.’

His heart booted his ribcage. ‘When did the call come through?’

‘About half an hour ago. He asked me for her home address, but I said I couldn’t give out that information.’

‘Anything else?’

When she spoke, every word was thoughtful. ‘I asked if he wanted me to put him through to Mia but he said no, that he didn’t want to disturb her—he’d just pop it in the mail.’

The caller had to have been Lucetti or one of his men.

‘Did I do the wrong thing, Connor?’ Worry laced every syllable.

‘Not at all.’ He schooled his expression to show none of his inner alarm, but he could see Grace was turning it all over in her mind. ‘I’ll let Mia know. I’m sure she’ll be pleased it’s been found.’ He gestured to the paperwork spread out in front of him on his desk. ‘I’ve got a few more documents to review, then I’ll be along to the meeting. Please call Mike, apologise for my delay, and tell him I’ll be there shortly.’


‘Close the door behind you on your way out.’

She sent him a puzzled look as the door between their offices was almost always left open.

The second the door closed, Connor swore under his breath.

The caller had struck the jackpot. Now he not only knew Mia’s surname but that she worked for Stewart Corporation.

The first call he made was to Mia’s mobile, just to be certain he wasn’t jumping to conclusions.

‘You’re not supposed to be ringing me! Is Violet okay?’ she asked in hushed tones.

‘She’s fine. Have you lost a watch?’

‘No.’ He heard the surprise in her voice. ‘I don’t own one.’

‘Right. I’ll see you soon.’

‘Connor, why—?’

He didn’t bother to explain. Adrenalin shot through him as he disconnected and dialled Carlisle.

The FBI agent answered after the first ring. Connor gave a quick explanation and Carlisle reached the same conclusion.

‘It makes sense,’ Carlisle said. ‘Correlli must’ve realised Mia’s true identity this morning because there were two internet searches from the same IP address for your name and Mia’s name just after we left Paris. We traced the searches to Venice.’

Shit. ‘Did you tell Mia?’

‘No point in worrying her, but I have worse news than that.’

Connor’s hand tightened around the phone. ‘Go on.’

‘You told me your bodyguard was sure you were being followed to the restaurant last night.’

‘Yes.’ Connor had called Carlisle as soon as Tony’s man had revealed they’d been tailed to the restaurant where Connor had met Skye. The bodyguard hadn’t seen a tail on the way home—suggesting the tail was looking for Mia and had left when another woman had turned up.

‘Your guard would’ve been spot on the money. One of Lucetti’s hit men landed Copyright 2016 - 2024