Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,68

bomb” in my chest for any longer than I needed to, did you?’ She smiled. ‘Besides, I would never put either of you in the position of blaming yourselves if I’d delayed and had a heart attack or a stroke.’

‘So all that emotional blackmail was a bluff?’

‘If one is going to have a heart problem, one should at least make the most of it to achieve one’s goals!’

Connor gritted his teeth together, but through his annoyance he had to work to stop the grin that tugged at his mouth. He and Mia had been well and truly played—by an expert. ‘You’re a thoroughly wicked old woman and you should be ashamed of yourself.’

He wasn’t going to tell her he was grateful for her machinations.

‘Desperate times call for desperate measures.’ Violet allowed herself a very brief chuckle before she sent him an admonishing look. ‘For all my manipulation, you’re home early. What went wrong, Connor?’

He ignored the note of disappointment in her voice. ‘I’ll get to that. This is still about you.’ Given her level of manipulation, she could damned well wait. ‘Dawson said Dr Forrester was pleased with how the operation went.’

‘He’s very pleased. You’ve only just missed him on morning rounds. He’s approved for me to go home later this afternoon with my nurse, Giselle. Truly, there’s no need for any of us to be concerned. I’m going to be back to normal and sparking on all cylinders so to speak.’

‘Heaven help us all.’ He made light of her words, but she had no idea that there was every need to be concerned. Except now his worries were mostly about Mia.

He and Mia had decided the best course of action would be to tell Violet that while they’d declared a truce and enjoyed each other’s company, there was simply no spark between them.

Stanley had concocted an excellent cover story to keep Mia away from Violet in case Lucetti found her and followed her. While they didn’t seriously believe he would be interested in harming anyone close to Mia, they were playing it safe.

‘Now, that’s my news done and dusted. Tell me about your trip. Did you and Mia fight?’

Connor looked Gran straight in the eye and hoped he’d be able to pull off the lie. He wasn’t used to lying and when he’d tried to be a little liberal with the truth during his teenage years, she’d always pinned him with her steely blue gaze and seen right through him. The consequences of his bending of the truth had been swift and stern.

‘Actually, we both enjoyed our time together in Venice. You were right that we’d get along well together. She’s a very bright, spirited lady.’ Careful. Don’t oversell. He’d learned that much from Mia.


‘There’s no spark, Gran.’

She sent him a puzzled look. ‘I was certain I picked up on some sizzling vibes when she walked down the stairs in that stunning red dress. And it definitely went both ways.’

‘I was shocked at her transformation. Nothing more.’

‘I see.’ Connor saw her disappointment. ‘I really thought… You’re sure there was no spark?’

‘Believe me, Gran, I know a spark when I feel one.’

‘Hm.’ Her lips pursed. ‘What about Mia? I guess I shouldn’t say anything—especially when she’s never confirmed it in so many words—but I could’ve sworn she was keen on you. Is she happy, or is she feeling totally devastated because you don’t return her feelings?’

Huh! If only Gran knew.

Connor was the one feeling hollow and devastated after Mia’s rejection. And, while he was absolutely certain Mia was only trying to protect him, it didn’t make it any easier to accept.

What man wanted to be pushed away and not allowed to support the woman he loved when she was going through a crisis?

Oh God.

Bloody hell.

The room spun around him and he felt light-headed as realisation dawned.

There it was.

There were the words he’d been trying to find back in the hotel suite in Paris right before Carlisle had knocked on the door.

Connor had fallen in love with Mia.

Were they the sentiments Mia had wanted him to express?

If he’d been able to qualify the depth of his feelings then by using those three small words, would he still be at Mia’s side?

But, he couldn’t love Mia, could he? He’d only started getting to know her in the last couple of days.

Careful, Connor.

He’d imagined himself in love with Rachel, too, and look how that’d ended up.

Confusion swamped him. He knew he felt a much stronger connection with Mia than he had with Rachel. Copyright 2016 - 2024