Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,59

Mum’s neck consistent with my testimony, but Giovanni said they’d used a choker during sex earlier in the day and that Mum… Mum liked it rough.’

‘But you gave eyewitness testimony.’

‘His lawyer told the DA that if it proceeded to court he’d paint me as a disturbed teenager who was jealous of her mum’s boyfriend.’ Nausea churned in her stomach. ‘Giovanni told the police I’d been flirting with him.’


‘Yes, he is.’ Every cell brimmed over with her hatred of the man. ‘He said I’d arrived home minutes after he did and made up the whole story about him pushing Mum.

‘I told the police about the USB Mum had threatened Giovanni with but I had no idea where it was. Giovanni said I’d made that up too.’ She shrugged helplessly. ‘The FBI turned our home upside down but found nothing. There was no evidence she’d put it in a bank safety deposit box either so I don’t think it exists. I think she was bluffing.’


Another wave of anger crested within her. Giovanni was free while her mother lay dead and Mia’s life had been upended. ‘In the end, the District Attorney decided they didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute.’

Connor seemed to be turning everything over in his head. ‘Why is Giovanni still after you?’

‘There’s no statute of limitations on first-degree murder.’ Mia sat back down, picked up a cushion and held it tightly in front of her. ‘If new evidence came to light, the cold case would be reopened and Giovanni may have to face trial.’

‘Is it likely after all these years?’

‘No. The agent I dealt with said that if the USB could be located and there was incriminating evidence for any of the guys who’d provided the alibi for Giovanni, they might be persuaded to turn State’s witness. Then the DA could charge Giovanni with Mum’s murder and any other crimes they could tie him with from the USB evidence. I was told I still might have to provide eyewitness testimony in the future if anybody else came forward to corroborate my story.’

‘That’s an awful lot of ifs.’

She nodded. Despite the sordidness of her past, it was a relief to have honesty between them. To be able to confide in him pulled the connection between them tighter. She knew she should be severing it, but for now it was comforting.

‘Giovanni was worried. Even after he was told the DA was dropping the charges, I was a loose end. He must’ve given the order for someone to kill me. I was released from protective custody and fired at as I left the police station.’

Connor swore.

‘I can thank my clumsiness that they missed.’ Although she tried to make a joke of it, the incident still scared her.

‘What happened?’

‘I dropped my phone and bent over to get it as the shot was taken, so the bullet missed.’ She didn’t add that it had been such a narrow miss she’d felt the air current as it’d passed. ‘An officer leaving the building pushed me behind cover before a second shot could be fired.’

‘Hell, Mia.’ He closed his eyes for a split second as he let out a pent-up breath. ‘Did they catch the shooter?’

‘No. But realising I was at risk, they entered me in the witness protection program.’

‘I can’t even begin to imagine how tough it must’ve been to go through all you did—especially after losing your mother.’

‘I wish Mum and I had both been able to return to England.’

‘You’re strong Mia.’ His admiration warmed her. ‘I can’t imagine how you coped with leaving behind all you knew.’

‘Violet and Stanley were my saviours.’

His whole body drew back. ‘My grandmother knows about all this?’ ‘She does.’

‘When did you tell her?’

‘She was there right from the start. She met me when I was a scared teenager who’d lost my mother, dodged a Mafia bullet and been shipped off to a brand-new country.’ Tears blurred Mia’s vision. ‘I love Violet so much, Connor. She and Stanley have been like my grandparents. They were my guardian angels when I most needed light in a world that’d been blackened by fear and death.’

A thoughtful frown marred his forehead. ‘If you’ve known Gran since you were a teenager, how is it that you and I never met?’ Before she could answer, he said, ‘I guess I would’ve been about twenty-five and I’d moved out. Did she become involved with you through Stanley?’

‘Your grandmother was my grandmother’s closest friend.’

His eyes widened with comprehension. ‘Your grandmother was Ivy—the duchess? You’re Elizabeth Buckley’s daughter?’ Copyright 2016 - 2024