Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,55

After doing as Stanley directed, he entered the lift, slid the security pass through the scanner and waited to arrive at the fifth floor. This intrigue might be part of a normal day for Stanley, but it was too cloak and dagger for Connor’s liking.

Despite being desperate for answers, dread clasped around Connor’s ribcage as he made his way up to the room and knocked on the door.

‘Come in.’ Stanley ushered him in, then peered out into the hallway before closing the door behind them both.

Force of habit or a sign he was expecting danger?

Connor was barely two steps into the room when Mia launched at him. ‘Stanley said you followed me here!’

‘Hello to you too, Mia, and yes, I did.’

‘How dare you!’ Her eyes flashed fire and she pointed an accusing finger at him. ‘You had absolutely no right!’

‘You’re in Paris with me. You’re my responsibility.’

‘Your responsibility? Listen to me, Connor. I—’

‘Calm down both of you,’ Stanley insisted.

Whatever Mia had been about to say, she stopped at Stanley’s command. Now the muscles of her cheeks were tight, as though she gritted her teeth.

‘I have no intention of adjudicating a slanging match,’ the older man warned.

Connor ignored Stanley. ‘What the bloody hell is going on?’

He was ready to brace against more of her outraged indignation, but it didn’t happen. Instead Connor’s throat tightened as Mia covered her face with her hands and sank into a chair by the window. Her shoulders slumped and all the fight seemed to drain right out of her.

When she lowered her hands, she looked vulnerable. ‘You shouldn’t have followed me.’

It was far from the sassy comeback he’d expected and now she sent Stanley a pleading look.

Connor fought against the urge to go to her side and draw her into his arms. ‘I want answers, Mia. Are you mixed up with the Mafia?’ Mia gaped at him.

Stanley clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. ‘How did you reach that conclusion, young man?’

‘Lou Correlli.’ Although he answered Stanley, Connor didn’t take his eyes off Mia. ‘He’s a hit man for a New York Mafia don and his son. He saw Mia tonight at a restaurant in Venice, thought he knew who she was but couldn’t place her. He recognised her pendant, too.’

‘Now Connor—’ Stanley began.

‘You knew him,’ Connor told Mia tightly. ‘That’s why you dived under the table. You were hoping he wouldn’t see you and recognise you.’

‘Stanley?’ Mia’s voice was shaky.

Connor saw she was very pale, but he couldn’t let this go. He had to know what kind of trouble Mia was facing so he could help her. ‘What are you hiding?’

‘Sit down, Connor.’ The words were an order, yet there was an almost defeated note in Stanley’s voice. ‘This could take a while.’

‘No!’ Mia gasped.

‘You know what’s going on?’ Connor cut over her protest.


‘It’s none of your business, Connor.’ Mia’s words were panicked now. ‘Please go back to the Ritz and forget all of this.’

Connor sat. ‘What’s your connection to Correlli, Mia?’

She nibbled at her lower lip. ‘You have no right to ask and I won’t tell you.’ Her gaze flicked back to Stanley. ‘Neither of us can tell you.’

‘Surely you know you can trust me, Mia.’

‘It’s better that you don’t know,’ she insisted.

‘Better for whom?’

‘For you!’ Her voice was full of despair and she jumped to her feet and crossed her arms over her chest in a self-comforting gesture. ‘Damn it all, Connor! Keep out of it.’

He stood too. ‘It’s definitely my business when the woman I care about is obviously mixed up in something dangerous.’

Her eyes widened for a moment before she hugged herself tighter and looked as though he’d wounded her. ‘Why can’t you accept that our affair is over?’ There was a tremor in her voice and the sheen of tears in her eyes. He barely heard her as she whispered, ‘It’s safer this way.’

There was that word again.

Safety was all-important to Mia. Connor realised now that it governed her every action.

Stanley placed a hand on Mia’s shoulder. ‘I think we’re past the point of playing this safe, dear. From what you told me, Correlli knows Connor’s name. If he joins the dots, Connor is Giovanni’s link to you. Connor may need protection too, but at the very least he should know what’s going on.’



Connor’s gut twisted.

‘Giovanni Lucetti—the Mafia don’s son?’ Whatever Mia was involved in really was serious.

‘How do you know that?’ Mia’s words were a whispered thread of sound.

‘I see you’ve been doing your homework,’ Stanley said, Copyright 2016 - 2024