Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,50

that it was around eleven years ago and they were on their way to Australia.’

‘That’ll do. Air crashes aren’t common.’

He slid one hand around the back of his neck and rubbed a spot to ease the tension there. ‘I want to know whether she’s in any major debt or receiving any regular payments apart from her salary.’

Even though he’d dismissed his earlier suspicions, he couldn’t be sure about anything now. He needed to know that Mia wasn’t about to squeeze wealthy elderly ladies for money or give them a sob story and have them come to her rescue.

Now the most pressing question; the one he wasn’t even certain he wanted answered. ‘I also want you to do a background check on an American. The name is Lou Correlli.’

‘Lou Correlli. Okay. Is he connected to Mia Simms?’

‘I suspect he is and, if he is, I want to know how.’

‘Sounds intriguing.’

‘I’m sure you’ll come up with some answers.’

‘I’ll do my best.’

The dye was cast. ‘Thanks Tony. I know I can count on you.’

‘Is there anything else you can tell me about her? Friends, social activities, political affiliations?’

Despite having spent the last couple of days with her, he knew very little about Mia. ‘She helps out at the Saturday soup kitchen in London with my grandmother and plays mahjong with Gran’s group of ladies on a Saturday evening.’

‘Okay.’ It sounded as though Tony was writing everything down. ‘If you think of anything else, text me.’

‘If you can, please make this a priority.’

‘Absolutely. I’ll get on it straight away.’

‘Great. And, I’ll look forward to the party invitation.’ He knew a small sense of relief when he disconnected the call and forwarded the email with Mia’s personnel file on to Tony.

He glanced at his watch. Twenty minutes until boarding and Mia still hadn’t come out of the bathroom. Clearly, she was going to stay where she was until the last minute.

Was he being brutish?

Possibly. But in this situation he believed it was necessary.

Waiting out the time, he sent Dawson a text to check in on his grandmother. So much for Gran refusing to take calls because she wanted him to enjoy his time with Mia.

It’s backfired big time, Gran!

He looked at the ladies’ bathroom and there was still no sign of Mia.

Hopefully Tony would have some answers quickly. Meanwhile, Connor needed to get through the next forty-eight hours with Mia in Paris.


Being in the city of lovers would emphasise the chasm that’d opened between them.

Only five minutes before they’d be called to their gate to board.


Expecting the incoming text to be Dawson’s reply, Connor was surprised it was from Tony.

That was quick.

Opening up the message, he saw a photo of Lou Correlli. Tony had written, ‘This isn’t the Lou Correlli you’re talking about, is it?’

Connor had no sooner typed back an affirmative than Tony rang him. Without any greeting, Connor’s friend launched, ‘Are you absolutely certain this is him?’

He looked again towards the bathrooms to make certain Mia wasn’t returning. ‘No mistake.’ Nobody could miss the ugly scar on the right side of his face.

‘Holy shit!’

Connor’s stress level spiked. His friend was not prone to dramatics. ‘Who is he?’

‘One very bad dude. He’s connected to a New York Mafia family.’


The word made Connor’s blood run cold.

‘A simple internet search turned up a heap of articles about him and I hope to hell your employee doesn’t have any connection with him.’

‘Tell me.’

‘He’s a hitman known as “The Reaper”.’

‘Shit.’ A heavy boulder settled in his chest and it was a struggle to get enough breath to speak. ‘What the bloody hell is Mia mixed up in?’

‘I don’t know. She has no internet profile at all. No social media. Nothing.’

‘She knows him, Tony. And he was fairly certain he recognised her.’ Dread clamped around his vocal tract and made each word strained.

‘I’ll keep digging tonight.’

Panic flared inside Connor. It was probably baseless, but he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t follow through on his instinct. ‘Do me another favour, will you?’

‘Name it.’

‘Send a security detail to my grandmother’s home. Make it covert.’

‘What makes you think she’s at risk?’

‘I doubt she is, but as I told you, Mia’s a friend of hers.’

Tony let out a low whistle. ‘Is she home now?’

He looked at his watch again. ‘Yes, she’ll be home.’

‘I’ll have a detail at her place within the hour.’

‘Thanks Tony.’ He closed his eyes for a moment. ‘I owe you big time.’

‘Anywhere your gran goes, we’ll follow, but it’d be easier to protect her if we had bodyguards by Copyright 2016 - 2024